Efficiency is better than longevity


Date: 08/01/2022

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ Efficiency is better than longevity


John 9:4 – I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.


We are still in the early days of the New Year. I believe before the year began, we all made resolutions. There are things we have outlined to change and others we wish to continue. Certainly, it is good to begin the year with a plan. However, as we go through this year there is one thing that we should be aware of, efficiency is better than longevity.

Jesus Christ lived 33 years on this earth and today, He is still celebrated today. He is the greatest revivalist the earth has ever seen. His teachings, ministry, and words are still as powerful as they were when He said them. The words of Jesus have outlived His earthly existence. In 3 years, He did what have taken others a hundred years. So how did He do it?

First, Jesus kept a constant and consistent relationship with the Father when He was on earth. The various times He retreated to places to pray was not just for fun. He knew the importance of abiding in the Father. For the branch cannot bear any fruit unless it abides in the vine (John 15:4). Secondly, Jesus focused on the work at hand. As He emphasised in our verse for today to the disciples, there was no time to waste. He knew he would not be on earth forever, hence it was important to focus on the work at hand.

Beloved, how many of our resolutions focus on the work of the kingdom of God? It is good to have resolutions about other things, however, if the things of God are missing, then there is a mistake somewhere. The clock is ticking, and time waits for no man. It is not about how long you live but what you accomplish in the years you live. This year, as we pray for long life, may we not forget to pray for the grace to do the work of God and accomplish it. May God help us!!

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to all our prayers last year. Let us pray for the grace to focus on the work of God and the strength to accomplish it.


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