Embrace the Push

Call To Prayer
Date: 20.05.2021
Title: Embrace the push
By: Wale Lasisi

And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. (John 2:3-5 KJV)


Parenting is a duty call and only those who embrace it wholeheartedly make the most of it. By careful observation, parents and guardians can discover latent gifts and abilities in their wards. In our scriptural text today, we follow a conversation between a mother who was asking her son to provide wine at another manโ€™s wedding ceremony where they were both guests and there was a shortage of the drink. One of the many reasons why Mary will make this demand is probably because she has seen Jesus exhibit the supernatural in the privacy of their home on several occasions. She was therefore convinced he was able to provide the wine and that was why she turned to the servants and directed them to him for further instructions.

There are gifts and divine abilities bestowed upon every child of God. Some we know, some we are not sure about. Most times, God arranges a push to launch our gifts and abilities for His Glory and to also benefit our world. A classic example was David who was pushed to use his divine abilities because he couldnโ€™t bear the insults Goliath was hurling at the God of Israel. Also, Nehemiah was pushed to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem because of the burden he felt when he heard the state of disrepair it was in.

The Holy Spirit creates the push which could come in many forms: as a burden, as an encouragement or advice, or could be the need for an urgent solution in time crisis. However, one constant that comes to play every time is the concept of โ€œtime and chance”. This phrase simply refers to opportunity and the preacher rightly puts it well in the later part of Ecc.9:11 โ€œbut time and chance happened to them all”.

So, what is that gift or divine ability in your life that only you know in private but is still crying for expression outwardly and you are afraid to bring it forth because of the fear of failure. God will always create time and chance with a push to help you manifest but you need to be sensitive to know when this opportunity comes knocking. A lot of destinies are waiting on you to manifest this glory God has placed upon your life (Romans 8:19) and you must not disappoint Him. God is a wise investor and He expects to profit from the gifts he has given.

Therefore, letโ€™s always be on the lookout for the push and the opportunity to express the gifts of God over our life for His glory, and to benefit our world and on the last day, we will be as that profitable servant that traded the talent given and made ten more.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for the word today and letโ€™s ask Him to create the push necessary to bring out the gifts for the edification of the whole body of Christ.


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