Enduring Love!

Call To Prayer

Title: Enduring Love!

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 29/11/2023


And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.ย  ย (Mat 24:12-13 KJV)


To understand the above verse of scripture, we need to get an overview of the entire chapter. In Matthewย  24. our Lord Jesus was revealing or prophesying the events that will happen before His second coming. It should be noted that they were three periods He mentioned in His prophecy: The signs of the end time, the End Time, and ‘the Day & the Hour’.ย  The signs of the End Time is a period where the earth will experience certain fearful events (wickedness in the world, rumours of wars, and earthquakes, and fearful signs appearing in the sky etc). Jesus told us that we should not be worried this time as it is not the end. From all indications, I believe this is the period we are in.

The next period He mentioned was the End Time. The entrant unto this time will be marked by the gospel reaching all nations (Matthew 24:14). Again, there will be certain revelations given to humans this period; the revelation of the abomination that causes desolation (Matthew 24:15), the revelation of the man of sin (2 Thess. 2:3), the revealing or manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19), and the revelation or the coming of Jesus Christ from Heaven (1 Thess. 4: 15-17). It should be noted that the end time will be less than the lifetime of a man (Matthew 24:22).

Finally, ‘the day and the hour’ is the exact moment that Jesus Christ will come to rapture the Church. It will be at the tail end of the End Time, and no one will know when exactly it will happen.

Reading our scriptural verse of today, we can see that ‘the end’ย Jesus was talking about was ‘the End Time’. The salvation He spoke of those who keep on walking in love despite the wickedness in the world is the redemption of the body (Romans 8:23, 1Co 15:52-54) i.e, the rapture. In essence, Jesus was saying that those whose love endures till the period of the End Time, will be kept from falling in that period, and they are the ones that will make the rapture. These are the elects of God.

Keys for enduring love

  1. Abiding in the word (John 15:4)
  2. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5)
  3. Knowing the reward (Romans 22:12)
  4. Knowing that the trial of faith is common for all believers (1 Peter 5:9)

Prayer Point:

Let’s take out time today to ask God to help us to keep on walking in love despite the wickedness in the world.


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