Enlisting in The End Time Army

Call to Prayer

Title: Enlisting in The End Time Army

Date: 27.07.2021

The Lord thunders at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and .mighty is the army that obeys his command.ย The day of the Lord is great; it is dreadful. Who can endure it?
Joel 2:11 NIV

ยถ Christ’s got an army, matching through the land. Deliverance is their song, healing is in their hands. With everlasting life, and joy forevermore. In His army I’ve got a partยถย  sang a Man of God in white suit and red tie, whose contenance was particularly fierce that night. He went further to preach one of the most important messages I have heard in my life, which heralded the end time and revealed the army God is raising for it. The preacher was Bishop David Oyedepo at the 2014 Shiloh Conference tagged “Heaven on Earth. The question is, do you have a part in His End-Time army?

All through scriptures, we find God raising up armies to carry out His judgements; either from a gentile nation, to chasten Israel, or from within Israel, to bring about their deliverance. Babylon, Asyrian, and Arameans etc. were examples of some of the gentile nations that God raised an army from to chastise Israel. Jephthah, Gideon, and Barak etc were some of the leaders (judges) God raised within Israel to lead His army against the enemy. In our day, God is raising up an army from the Church, but unlike the armies in the past, this army have a different purpose.

From scriptures, the last sign that will happen before the end time comes (The time for the revelation of the man of sin, the manifestation of the sons of God, and the appearing of Christ from heaven) is that “The message of the kingdom will be preached in all the earth, as a testimonyย to all nations (Matthew 24:14)”. That word testimony also means witness, and it goes to show that the kingdom will not just be preached, but will be manifested. That is, the power and the glory of the kingdom will be made manifest for the natural eyes to see, bearing witness that it is true. This goes beyond healing an deliverance as we know it, but a manifestation of the government power of the kingdom, which will be seen in every facet of the society (Politics, Sports, Business, Technology etc), bringing about the restoration of things.

I have been privileged to be given insight about the characteristics of this army, and His selection criteria. He told me that this is a restoration army, like the one He raised through Gideon (Judges 7). Like the Gideon Army, it will not be marked by numbers, but by attributes. Judging from the test at the water side were God selected 300 men from 30,000, we can see that sensitivity to the assignment at hand was the criteria for selection. Sensitive is an attribute of humility. Another attribute He has revealed to me was faith.

To be enlisted to God’s end time army, which is the army that will precede the second coming of Jesus Christ, these attributes “Humility and Faith* must be in you.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him for the grace to be humble and the grace to build our faith.

God Bless You All

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