
Call to Prayerย 

Title: Establishment

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 15.08.2023


…. โ€œHear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe and trust in the LORD your God and you will be established (secure). Believe and trust in His prophets and succeed.โ€ 2 Chro. 20:20 AMB


Ever since the fall of Adam, the progression of events have shown that God has been active in His bid to restore humanity back to his presence. The event of Adam’s fall is only a depiction of what happened in the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). So, the entire concept of salvation is a “reconciliation between God and the created world”.

If man was placed in the presence of God (depicted by Eden) at his start and he fell, simply restoring him back to the position he fell from is not sufficient, as there is a possibility of him falling again. In His wisdom, God decided to take man through a process; a journey back to the place he fell from, so that he would be established in God’s presence. The word “established” is from the Hebrew word “รขman”, which means to build up or to support. Figuratively, it means to render firm or to be permanent. This suggests, God doesn’t just want us to be restored to Him, but He also wants our return to be permanent. The journey of establishment starts the moment we place our faith in Him (2Chro. 20:20), and it explains why He allows us to go through seasons of tests and trials.

To help us understand the concept of establishment, let’s consider Saul and David, the first two kings of Israel. When Saul was anointed king by Prophet Samuel, it didn’t take long before he ascended the throne. However, not long after he ascended the throne, he sinned and a replacement was sought for him. This was different for David after he was anointed king, for it took him a while before he actually became king. And in his time of waiting, he had to be in the wilderness as he endured persecution from King Saul. When David became king, his kingdom was established as it continued forever. Even though David himself sinned, but he displayed an attitude that made God have mercy on him. This attitude was formed in him while in the wilderness.

Our faith in God doesn’t exempt us from the experience of trials and temptations. God allows these things so that we will be established in His presence. Believing in God despite the contradiction we face brings about our establishment.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to believe in Him at all times.


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