Evangelism and sanctification

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Evangelism and sanctification

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 26/07/2022


As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
JOHN 17:18


Our Lordโ€™s disciples are to be sent to evangelize the world. How are they to do it? What is the first thing to consider? You notice what our Lord puts first: It is sanctification: โ€œSanctify them, for the work needs to be done in them before it can ever be done in the world.โ€

There is nothing that appalls me so much as the almost incredible way in which Christian people seem to ignore entirely the teaching of the Scriptures with regard to methods of evangelism. In the Scriptures from beginning to end, the emphasis is on the messenger, not his external methods, on his character and his being and on his relationship with God.

Take the case of Gideon. A mighty enemy army was facing the children of Israel, and at first Gideon collected an army of thirty-two thousand people. Then God began to reduce them until in the end there were only three hundred. God in effect said to Gideon, โ€œI am not going to do this through the great army of thirty-two thousand, but in My way.โ€ So He reduced the thirty-two thousand to three hundred, and then He sent them out, not with great armaments, but with pitchers with lamps inside them, along with trumpets to blow.

And with that ridiculous equipment they conquered the army of the enemy. That is Godโ€™s way. God has always done His greatest works through remnants. If there is one doctrine that runs through the Scriptures more prominently than any other, it is the doctrine of the remnant.

How often God has done everything with just one man. Do you remember the story in 1 Samuel 14 of Jonathan and his armor-bearer? They did not spend their time arguing about the condition of the enemy. One man, with his armor-bearer, trusting in the living God, could conquer an entire army!

A thought to ponderย 

God has always done His greatest works through remnants.

Prayer point

The grace to go out there to win souls for God.

God bless us all


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