Faithful in little things

Call To Prayer

Title: Faithful in little things

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 10.03.2023


โ€œโ€˜Well done, my good servant!โ€™ his master replied. โ€˜Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.โ€™ Luke 19:17


Perhaps you are a teacher, employed by the state and you are posted to teach in a remote village, or maybe you are a music director who is highly knowledgeable and you find yourself in a church that is still at its genesis. In general, you might find yourself serving somewhere that looks small. Should the quality of your service reduce.? Do you hold back from giving your best because you underlook those you are serving?
Motivation is a very crucial thing in everything we do. Sometimes we serve for money, we serve for the applause, ย or because others are doing it e.t.c but the best motivation for you and I, dearly beloved in Christ is to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (Colossians 3:22-24). ย Jesus said whatsoever you do to the least of these you did it to me(paraphrasing, Mathew 25:40). He also said whatever you do for me you will get a hundredfold in return and life eternal (paraphrasing, Mathew 19:29). So He is the ultimate rewarder and a faithful one at that. Often we are waiting for big things to give in our best but this is wrong and misleading( because the big thing may never come then), it means our motivation is no longer to serve Jesus. If you are a preacher and you find only one person is listening to you, my brother, preach like Jesus is listening to you because He is, indeed! Although it may be humanly hard if you are a nurse and you are not well paid, my sister, take care of that patient like you are treating Jesus because you are, indeed! Men reward but the ultimate reward is from Jesus. And when God and men see how faithful you are in the little things they will gladly increase you, so you can serve even more people. Then you become like a river that does not withhold water but gladly allows water to flow through it to others. Always serving but never lacking.


Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for this word and pray that God should help us make serving Him our primary motivation.


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