Fan the Flames of Love

Call to Prayerย 

Title: Fan the Flames of Love

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 18.09.2023


Many will say to me on that day, โ€˜Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?โ€™Then I will tell them plainly, โ€˜I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!โ€™ย  ย  ย Matthew 7:22-23 NIV


Recently, I was visited in a dream by the Lord Jesus Christ. He revealed to me that not every Christian will inherit heaven; some will go to hell. He showed me two people who are popular in Nigeria. He told me that despite one of them is not practicing love as described in scriptures, he will repent in the future and will make it to heaven. Of the other He said, because of the evil he had experienced in the past from a minister of God, his heart is closed towards love and he will go to hell.

The devil has a hope in the wickedness he perpetuates, and that hope is that Christians will be discouraged in walking in love as a result of the fear of evil in the world. However, Despite the evil in the world, God’s instruction to walk in love hasn’t changed. It is written that “… because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved (Matthew 24: 12-13 KJV)”. The word “endure” was translated from the Greek word “Hupomenล“, which means “to stay under, that is remain (to bear trials)“, which suggests “to continue despite the risk“. What the Bible is saying in Matthew 24:12-13 is that only people who continue to walk in love will be saved.

The statement “…the Love of people shall grow cold (Matt. 24:12)” suggests God wants our love to stay aflame. How do we fan the flames of love? The first thing to do is to abide in the word. We abide in the word when we continue to meditate on the word. As we fill ourselves with God’s word, we will be reminded of the instruction to love and be encouraged to practice it as described in scriptures. Another way to fan the flames of love is to have a revelation of the power of God. Most people are hindered in their practice of love because they don’t trust God to deliver them from evil. For example, one will say “how can I allow a stranger into my house with the news of evil in the world?“. However, knowing the power of God will help you to trust him to deliver you from the evil you fear. This was what Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego exemplified, who continued to obey God despite the risk involved and God delivered them from evil.

Finally, to fan the flames of love we need to pray. Asking Him to help you to obey Him will empower you to do His will. And His will is for you to walk in love.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us obey His instruction for us to walk in love.



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