Fear is a Spirit


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 06.11.2022

Title: Fear is a Spirit


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

(2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV)


A famous man of God shared a story of a time the Lord told him to organize a Crusade at a dangerous City in Colombia. During that time, there was some form of political instability in the country and that City was also known for frequent shootings between various Cartels. The man of God was afraid in the beginning, but he later obeyed the Lord and went. He told himself that he must obey the Lord and even if he dies, he dies for the Lord. During his stay, he was granted multiple Soldiers to escort him everywhere he goes.

On the first day of the Crusade, he saw a man approaching him holding something which he first thought was a gun. He thought that was the end of his life and service on earth, but the man happened to be a Cameraman. The man of God went on to preach the Gospel powerfully and many people gave their lives to Christ. To the Glory of God, thatโ€™s where he also experienced the greatest Miracle in his Ministry: โ€œraising the dead.โ€ The people were calling him โ€œMagoโ€ meaning Magician and they brought a lot of dead bodies on the second day.

Most people are afraid of different things in the world. Some are afraid of failure, men, women, losing their Jobs, the unknown, death, etc. Sadly, the people in the world and some Believers take fear for granted. However, the above Scripture reveals to us that fear is a Spirit and it doesnโ€™t come from the Lord. If the spirit of fear is not from the Lord, then where does it come from? From the evil one obviously! I believe fear is one of the subtle but dangerous weapons that the evil one uses to fight and steal from Believers. It prevents you from fulfilling your God-given potential and Ministry.

Most people are not able to use their spiritual gifts to serve and please God because of fear. When you consider the Parable of the Talents, one of the excuses the lazy servant gave for not working with his Talent is that he was afraid (Matt 25:25). God has given most Believers Prophetic Gifts, but they donโ€™t use it because they are afraid of what others will say if their Prophecy doesnโ€™t come to pass. Some also have Healing Gifts, but they are afraid of what people will say if they pray and the healing doesnโ€™t manifest instantly. Other Believers have also been blessed with Ministration Gifts, but they are afraid of what people will say if they make a mistake in public.

The man of God I spoke about had to overcome fear in order for Souls to be saved and the dead to be raised. There are numerous examples in the Bible of people who had to overcome fear to fulfill their God-given purpose or claim their Inheritance. Moses was afraid when God told him to leave his humble profession of shepherding to confront Pharaoh to release the Israelites (Ex 3,4). The Israelites couldnโ€™t enter the Promised Land at some point because they were afraid of how physically tall and strong the Inhabitants were, but Caleb had a different Spirit in him (Num 13,14). The Israelite Soldiers were afraid of Goliath, but David wasnโ€™t and thatโ€™s why he was able to defeat him (1 Sam 17).

Beloved in the Lord, fear is an evil Spirit which is not of the Lord but of the devil. It is a subtle but dangerous weapon that the evil one uses to fight and steal from Believers. We have to therefore overcome fear in order to be able to fulfill our God-given Gifts, Potentials and Ministries. The Just shall and must live by Faith and not fear!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s take authority and cast out every demonic Spirit of fear from the lives of all Believers around the world. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to fulfill their purpose on this earth.

God bless you all


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