Focus on the lesson, not the lessening


Call to Prayer

Title:ย Focus on the Lesson not the Lessoning

By: Owusu Clifford S.

And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he comes hither

(1st Samuel 16:11, KJV).

Whenever I read the story of David, I wonder why he was the one keeping the sheep? David had older siblings, so why was he given charge of the sheep, a job that seemed unpleasant. When compared to the story of Joseph, who was the beloved son of his father, Jacob, Joseph was at home with his father while his older brothers were the ones keeping the sheep in the wilderness. In our verse for today, Jesse did not mention David until Samuel asked if he had any other son.ย  David was relegated to the wilderness, taking care of the sheep while his brothers were living a better life at home, and some in the Army of Israel. But through it all, God was using that to prepare him.

Sometimes, God will keep you in the wilderness, secluded from the glare and desires of normal life to prepare you for something marvellous. So, in that process, focus on the lesson not the decline in your status. Sometimes, we need those situations to improve our readiness.

David needed that separation for his preparation. God had to keep him before he would reveal him. There were things David needed to learn in the wilderness. Now, let us delve into two of the numerous things David learnt in the wilderness that made him suitable to be king of Israel, and also for the battle against Goliath, which ultimately brought him to fame.

First, David learnt the art of war. I strongly believe that it was in the wilderness that David learnt how to use the sling and stones he used to kill Goliath. Goliath, the giant, had been a man of war for years, and all the Army of Israel were afraid to go before him. He approached the battle fully armed, but David went into the battle with just a sling and stones. David could not use Saulโ€™s armour because he had not trained with them. What would have become of him if he had not learnt how to use the sling? Also, while he kept the sheep in the wilderness he learnt how to war with lions and bears, two of the most dangerous animals in the jungle.ย  David developed a warriorโ€™s mindset which made him bold enough to go before Goliath.

Moreover, David learnt the art of leadership in the wilderness. He kept the sheep, fed them, and protected them from harm. During that period, Israel was constantly in war, so God needed someone who could shepherd His flock and lead them in times of war. He needed someone with leadership capabilities, hence he could no go pass David. The seemingly demeaning work was actually what David needed for his preparation to be king over Israel.

Today, be encouraged and see the positives and the lessons in that negative situation. Often, God keeps us and humbles us before He reveals us and elevates us. Be still, child of God, focus on the lessons, and you will come out ready for the assignment.

Prayer Point:

Let us take time today to ask God to grant His children the grace to focus on the lessons in every uncomfortable situation in which they find themselves if it is part of the plans of God. Also, let us pray that the Holy Spirit will continuously empower everyone in such a situation not to grow weary, but to weather the storm, learn the lessons, and come out prepared.


2 responses to “Focus on the lesson, not the lessening”

  1. Thanks Clifford. This was a word for the moment for me. Godbless you

  2. Jane avatar

    God bless you Clifford. The Word spoke powerfully to me.I am greatly encouraged.Thank you

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