

Title: Formation

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 06.08.2021

โ€œโ€œBefore I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.โ€Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV)

My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,

Galatians 4:19 (NIV)


Carefully observing the first creation of man in the bible, we will see the multidimensional nature of Man’s make-up. In Genesis 1:27, God โ€œcreatedโ€ man in His own image and likeness. And in Genesis 2:7, we see how God โ€œformedโ€ man from the dust of the ground. From this, we can see that Man was both created and formed. The created part of man is the spirit, and the formed part of man is the body. The breathing by God of the spirit into the body produced a third dimension of Man called the soul (Gen 2:7). Because the identity of a man came from the state of the soul (Prov. 23:7), the old man was referred to as a โ€œliving soulโ€.


At the fall of man, the spirit of a man was detached from God as a result of the spiritual death man experienced (2:17). This separation from God limited manโ€™s capabilities; He had to depend only on his physical senses to navigate through the world since he could no longer receive spiritual revelation with his spirit. To see this, letโ€™s consider how Adam knew all about Eve the first time He saw her despite he was sleeping when God formed her from his rips (Gen. 2:21-23). Adam had spiritual insight before his fall. This was different for Jeremiah, who was an example of a fallen man. At the revelation of His call, God had to educate the formed part of Jeremiah about his created part: God said in Jeremiah 1:5, โ€œbefore I formed you (the flesh) in the womb I knew you (the spirit)โ€. With this, we can see that the formed man needed to be educated about the created man.


The new creation was done in parallel to the first creation. This was so that by observing the first creation, we can comprehend the new. Like the old, the spirit of a man was (re) created first. This was achieved the moment we believed in Jesus Christ. But this is not the end, as there is still a need for a formation in the realm God wants us to operate from, just like the first. To see this, consider Paulโ€™s statement to the Galatians church in one of our scriptural verses of today:โ€โ€ฆ. I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you (Gal. 4:19)โ€. It should be noted that Apostle Paul was speaking to Christians. The formation of Christ in the life of a Christian is a spiritual growth process.


The first man was created on the earth, so the substance of His formation was earth (dust). However, the new man was created in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10). Therefore, the substance of our formation is Christ Himself, who is the Word (Acts 20:32). For the first man to survive, He had to keep contact with the substance of his formation directly or indirectly: the food he eats is a product of ground (dust), and he could not survive for long in any other terrain outside his place of formation. This is also true with the new man: for him to survive, He has to be in contact with his environment of formation (Christ). Therefore, fellowshipping with Jesus Christ through His spirit is how His image is formed in us and how we are sustained (survive). We fellowship with God through His word and in prayer, which includes speaking in tongues (Jude 1:20).


Prayer Point


Let us thank God for His word today, Let us also ask Him to help us to do those things that will cause Christ to be formed in us.


God bless you all


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