Genuine Gratitude 


Date: 27.09.2021

By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Title: Genuine Gratitude 


I assure you and most solemnly say to you, wherever this gospel [of salvation] is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her [for her act of love and devotion].”

( Matthew 26:13 AMP)


Last week I spoke on the topic, “Attitude of Gratitude“. Today, I would like talk about what it means to express a genuine gratitude towards our Lord Jesus Christ.There was a woman who came to our Lord Jesus Christ having an Alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His Head as He sat on the table (Matthew 26:7). After doing that, those who saw it were mocking her for wasting such an expensive oil. But the Lord Jesus saw her heart and was pleased with her.  Christ also suggested, that, though the disciples blamed this action, it should be spoken of by others to her praise and commendation, in all succeeding ages, throughout the world. Proverbs 10:7 says that the memory of the just is blessed. 

This woman’s love, faith and gratitude towards her master was genuine, and that’s the reason why she took her very costly fragrant oil and poured it on our Lord Jesus.This woman got a good name, and obtained a good report by her precious ointment (Eccl.7:1). If this woman’s action was to be told in memory of her, how much more what our Lord Jesus Christ did on the Cross of Calvary for us. I believe that if we are really grateful of the gift of salvation, we will express it by using every opportunity to preach the Gospel to others.

It’s very sad that in our Generation, many have taken the Gathering of the Saints to be a play ground. They don’t appreciate the value of it, because they aren’t genuinely grateful for the good things God has done and has been doing in their lives. Today, some even go to Church because they have made an appointment to meet someone, but not God. Their focus on God has been shifted to the things of the world, and when your focus is shifted, your love for God reduces and when your love for God reduces, you become ungrateful and selfish. 

However, how can we know if someone is genuinely grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ? I would like to talk about four clear indicators of genuine gratitude and in absence of these elements one’s claim to being grateful  is questionable. 

  1. Genuine Gratitude is a CHOICE. I spoke  about the ten men who got the healing from our Lord Jesus Christ, yet only one came back to show his gratitude. This one man who decided to come back, could have decided not to come but go his way like the others. However, he remembered where the Lord had picked him from, and he returned. This is what we do when we come to the house of God. We worship by singing praise songs to Him or bringing Him Offering, First fruit or Tithes. The ungrateful heart may say they achieved all by their strength and ability but we who are genuinely grateful know that God is our source. 
  2. Genuine Gratitude is AUDIBLE. The healed man definitely didn’t thank God solely but the bible says he returned and glorified God with a loud voice ( Luke 17:15).When you are genuinely grateful you can’t be silent or whisper, because you want the person whom you are grateful for to be happy he blessed you. That is why when we go to Church we sing and play instrument to our Lord in Heaven. 
  3. Genuine Gratitude is VISIBLE. When the woman with the alabaster box washed the feet of our Lord Jesus with tears, wiped them with her hair and anointed Jesus with the most expensive oil, the disciples witnessed it. The same like the one who got healed, the Bible said he fell down on his face at Jesus feet, giving Him thanks (Luke 17:16). When we go to church some find it so hard to clap or dance to glorify the name of our God. The God we worship is a God who sees, we should therefore let the whole world see that we are forever grateful.
  4. God expects us to be genuinely grateful. God knows the heart of man because He is the All-knowing God but as children of God, He also expects us to be like Him, truthful and pure in all our ways. Jesus was expecting all the ten men to come and give thanks. When He saw the one man who came back, He asked of the nine other men.

Beloved in the Lord, don’t be a left out in the blessings God has in store for all His children. Most of these blessings are obtained through thanksgiving and showing gratitude. The woman with the Alabaster oil is till now remembered and praised till date. Be grateful!

Prayer Point: 

Let’s thank God for His word. Let’s ask our Father in Heaven to help all believers to be genuinely grateful to Him so that they can all receive their blessings. 

God bless you all.


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