Getting on God’s payroll

Call To Prayer
Topic: Getting on God’s payroll
Date: 10.06.2021
By: Wale Lasisi

Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, here I am, send me. (Isaiah 6:8 KJV)

The tenth chapter in the book of Luke opened up with the appointment of 70 disciples by our Lord Jesus Christ for the propagation and expansion of the gospel and the Lord said to them “the harvest is truly great, but the labourers are few….”. The Lord was talking about the harvest of souls into the kingdom of God and he was liking it to a field that was ripe and ready to be harvested by labourers. He had looked for many but only a few had shown up.

One thing that was common to the appointed seventy was willingness to obey the Lord to the letter in doing His work but just like then, the Most High still needs many more labourers for the harvest of souls into His kingdom and willingness to obey the Lord opens up great chapters in our walk with Him. Some for us personally, for people around us, for our community, for our nation and for the world.

Every labourer is entitled to his wage after putting in the work and this was on Apostle Peter’s mind that he had to ask a vital question on behalf of us all: What shall we have therefore, since we have left all and followed thee? (Matt. 19:27 paraphrased). Just like he told the seventy that their names are written in the book of life, he answered Peter also that everlasting life with the Father shall be his inheritance. What a great reward for service!

Souls are perishing everyday that can be saved only if we reach out. God is full of love and doesn’t want anyone to perish. It is this nature that propels Him to keep looking for ways to rescue mankind from destruction of the devil into His marvellous light. Although Jonah disobeyed the Lord at first, when he was finally willing, God used him to save the land of Nineveh from destruction and impending disaster. Philip was willing to go down to Samaria to preach Christ to them and when he did, the people gave heed to him and whole city erupted with joy.

The love of God and the love for His kingdom should be priority above all else in our hearts and willingness to go into the streets and the corners and every space sharing the gospel of Christ is what is uppermost on the agenda of the Father. So, when he asks to see who He can send, will your response be “Here I am, send me?

Prayer point:
Let’s pray that the almighty Will make us active labourers in His field and that Lord of the harvest will send forth more labourers into his harvest.

God bless you all!


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