Giving to God

Call to Prayer

Title:Giving to God

By: Simon Maina Nuhu


“3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto theย Lord. 4ย And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And theย Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:” (Genesis 4:3-4).ย 


One of the first acts of giving to God was performed by the first seeds of Adam, Cain and Abel. We are told that both of them offered to the Lord from the fruits of their labor, but in two different scenarios. Abel chose the very best of his fat flock and willingly offered to God, on the other hand, his sibling Cain, however, offered to God sparingly not with a genuine heart (Genesis 4:2-6). God being just and fair, fearing no man, openly acknowledged the sacrifice of Abel over that of Cain. The two brothers’ offerings apparently became distinct example of sincere and reluctant manner of giving to God to the subsequent generations. No doubts that God owns everything, nevertheless, He wants us to demonstrate our loyalty, gratitude, commitment and generosity to Him with the blessing of material blessings He has abundantly given us to enjoy.

Giving to God does not necessarily matter the size of the gift/offering, but the genuineness and willingness of heart. It also does not include robbing or falsely taking advantage of other people and offering to God (more like robbing Peter to bless Paul). Another great example of a generous offering in the Bible was displayed by the Old poor widow who offered her last dime while others were casting according to the abundance of their blessings (Matthew 12:42-44). That act attracted Jesus attention and recognition of her offering as the best offering to God among all others.

In the New Testament, we receive a superior understanding that the best act of giving is presenting oneself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable before the Lord (Romans 12:1). It is after that our giving of material things out of a willing desire/interest without compulsion becomes acceptable before God. In addition, our Lord commanded us that before we offer anything in the alter, we should first forgive and settle whatever problem we have with people (Matthew 5:23-24).

Dearly beloved, we should take into cognizance that God sees all kind of offerings we give Him but only recognizes the genuine ones, because He sees through the heart that gives not the size/quantity of the sacrifice! One may ask, what can I possibly offer to God since He obviously owns everything. Well, you can offer a lot and more to God in so many ways. No matter how poor or financially incapacitated you are, you can still offer God the best. Your time, ability, service, the best of your youthful age, talent to serve others, using your area of profession, your willingness to do the things of God, passion for souls e.t.c. It must not be Gold, Silver, precious stones, Diamond, Money, fat rams or mundane things. Even your obedience is an of worship. Give Him the best that you have, no matter the size or quantity.

Prayer points:

Let us thank God today for His word. Let’s ask Him for passion to give our best and all to Him without murmuring or grumbling.


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