
Call to Prayer

Title: Glory

Date: 06.09.2022

By: Daniel Peter


I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one. John 17:22 NIV


The word glory was translated in the New Testament from the Greekย  word Doxa, which means “all that God is and has”. It is manifested in three distinct areas: “in Character, Power, and Prosperity. It is God’s will that we manifest His glory, which was the reason Christ gave us the same glory that the Father gave Him, as seen in the opening verse of scriptures.

Using the life of Jesus as an example, despite He was the king of glory, He did not necessarily manifest certain aspects of the glory until an assigned time (John 2:4,11). So is it in the life of each Christian until it is activated. There are certain things we have to do to see the glory of God in our lives made manifest. The first of these things is “meditation”. The word meditation can be defined as a deep thought over a discovered truth, relevant to our destination. That is, any time we discover truth in scriptures that we desire to manifest, we should spend enough time thinking about them until we gain the needed understanding in that subject, which result to us manifesting them (being transformed to the dimension of the truth we have seen).

The power of meditation in manifesting His glory comes from the fact that it produces understanding in us. The eyes of the spirit is understanding (Eph. 1:18). Gaining it means we can see Jesus Christ (who is the truth) in that specific area, and this produces the transformation to the dimension of glory we have been able to behold in Him. For scriptures says: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lordโ€™s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:18)”. To contemplate is to meditate.

So each time we read scripture, we should brood over the text until it becomes flesh in us. And this brooding should continue after our time with Him in the word. With consistent practice over time, we will manifest that dimension of truth we have discovered.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank Him for the word today. Let’s ask Him to give us the grace to meditate on scripture so we can manifest His glory.


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