God is good !

Call To Prayerย 

Title: God is Goodย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date:ย 02/01/2023ย 


โ€œWhy do you call me good?โ€ Jesus answered. โ€œNo one is goodโ€”except God alone. Mark 10:18ย 


People are often called after what they do. If someone does wicked acts consistently the person is called a wicked man or woman. He or she has become her activity. When we say God is good. It is not by chance, not by flattery, it is because God does good. In Genesis 1-31 we see God after creating something, He had to evaluate that it met His standards which is to make things good. And He would validate it and say โ€œthis is indeed good! just as I wanted it.โ€ ( just paraphrasing). ย 

God is good! And all the time the lord is still good. How wonderful it is to knowย that the creator of the universe is good. He is just. He is merciful. He is slow to anger. Imagine if that were not to be so, who will survive? Not only did God create but He loves us.ย 

โ€œFor God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.โ€(John 3:16).ย  When the devil presents the thoughts to doubt the goodness of God, please let us ask ourselves: โ€œwhat is greater than eternal lifeโ€. Is the lord not still good? ย 

Jesus himself said, โ€œWhy do you call me good? …. No one is goodโ€”except God alone.โ€ Luke 18:19. ย 

Jesus speaking as a man was telling us no matter what good we do; it is nothing compared to the goodness of God. Put another way, if you believe a man can express some degree of goodness what more of God, theย author of goodness?ย 

There are questions like why is there suffering or evil when God is good? God in His infinite wisdom and goodness made it so and we might never completely understand why. But letโ€™s remember some facts: You reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7). Some people reap calamities after sowing wickedness. Yet some still suffer and die innocently. But what if like Lazarus (or Steven) the innocent man dies and goes to heaven and the murderer lives only to finally die and suffer in hell? Who is better off? Have you ever experienced a severe thirst and then had water to drink? Remember the satisfaction. Is this perhaps the reason God allows us to suffer a lack at times so that when we get it at the right time the joy is greater and complete? Everything works out well for the good of those who love God (Romans 8:28). God is so good and patient that He allows His blessings (some kinds) on both the good and the bad (Mathew 5:45). He does not desire the wicked to die but that they turn from their evil ways and live (Ezekiel 33:11). All in all, good is God.!ย 

Prayer Point: ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His goodness. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to always believe this truth even in challenges; GOD IS GOOD!ย 


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