God Is My Judge

Call to Prayer

Title: God is my Judge

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 13.05.2024


When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.
1 Peter 2:23 ESV


In our Christian lives, we do not only get to know the Truth by study, but also by our walk with God (experience with God). For we have been declared living epistles (2 Cor. 2:3). We can build and encourage others by sharing these stories, and this is one of the ways we give God the glory.

When I discovered the importance of spiritual names, I decided to seek God to reveal mine to me. In the period of waiting, as I read the Bible, I discerned the voice of God on the verse 1 Peter 2:23 (our key scripture of today) saying to me ‘that’s the meaning of your name’. Immediately I understood what He meant; He confirmed to me that my name Daniel, which means God is my Judge, is also my spiritual name. I was glad to know that my namers were discerning enough to know God’s name for me at birth.

True to my name, many times I have had to let God be the judge of situations, as I have always been perceived wrongly. Being very tall, from a unique tribe in Nigeria, and some times assertive in my speech, people have certain expectations of me that is simply based on appearance (mere look of things), and not on my character or the righteous standard of the word of God.

Having been in this position for a long time, I have been privileged to learn from my walk with God how to overcome human judgement: This is attained by knowing God’s opinion of you. God’s opinion of you is written in the word of God (The Bible), and the affirmations and rebukes He says to you by His spoken word. Receiving and remembering these words is a guard against human judgment.

When a person comes to a conclusion of you that is contrary to the specific word God has said to you in the secret place, ignoring that person and moving aheadย  becomes easier (See Matthew 4:4 and 1 Samuel 16:7 for further understanding).


Prayer Point:

Let’s take time out today to ask God to give the body of Christ the grace to overcome the temptation to live to please men rather than God, and for Him to help us to see ourselves in the light of His word, and not the opinion of men.

Repost from: 19.03.2021


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