God is working for your good!


Title: God is working for your good!

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them

(Romans 8:28 NLT)

There is a story of a man who lived near a beach and was involved in a disaster. A heavy flood was about to rise against him and destroy everything he owned. This man in question was a strong believer in Christ. While in the situation, he believed and prayed that God will make a way for him to escape this disaster. Yet whenever a Boat or a Helicopter came to his rescue, he rejected and said, “God will make a way, I am waiting on Him.โ€œ Now after he rejected all the help, he died. He then asked God in Heaven why He didnโ€™t come to his rescue and God said, He did but he rejected all of them.ย 

If we take our time and read Romans 8:18-39 we will find out that Paul described whom God works everything for. As Christians, we expect only good things to happen but yet we see ourselves facing a lot of sufferings and we mostly wonder why we face all these. Sometimes, some are almost unbearable, and we usually want to know what Godโ€™s relationship to these sufferings are. Did God allow us to go through these sufferings? Does He see us suffering? Why is He not doing anything about these sufferings? These are mostly human questions.ย 

Romans 8:28 doesnโ€™t tell us that God causes us to suffer or tells us that suffering is good. It basically tells us that, “โ€ฆeverything work together for the GOODโ€ฆโ€œย 

If we take our time to meditate on this simple phrase, we see that God is constantly working on something while He is already aware of the suffering we are going through.

I know a christian who went through a severe accident and became paralysed. She was later asked a question about her faith and she answered, “God allows what He hate, to accomplish what He lovesโ€œ (Jeremiah 29:11). Such an answer can only come from someone who has a deep relationship with God and relies on Him completely, knowing He (God) never fails on His promises, which is to let everything work for our good. There is an eternal promise to experience His goodness forever!ย 

To have such assurance in heart is only possible when you build a strong relationship with Him. The best example I can give to you is Jesus, who went through a lot of sufferings while He was with us but yet in His suffering looked forward to what was ahead, which has now given us a direct access to God. We have received a free salvation that makes us right with God.ย 

We have to learn to consider the things we are facing as temporal and focus on the eternal life which is in Christ Jesus, looking forward to the day we will meet our “Abba Fatherโ€œ who has adopted us as his own children (Hebrews 12:2).

Prayer Point:ย 

May God help every believer to see beyond our sufferings, knowing that He is always working for our good.

God bless you!ย 


If this has blessed you, Please share this Call to Prayer with your friends and family so they will be blessed too.ย 


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