God knows our secrets

ย Call to Prayer

ย Title: God knows our secret(s)

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 22.03.2024


โ€œAnd the Spirit of the LORD fell upon me, and said unto me, Speak; Thus saith the LORD; Thus have ye said, O house of Israel: for I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.โ€ – (Ezekiel 11:5)


Men are usually delusional in the way they assess themselves. They habitually ignore what matters most; their true rating in the sight of God. Some reassure themselves that He would not be bothered by their personal weaknesses – the things they consider to be small faults that even society may not necessarily frown at. They forget that before God, every offense, the big and the small, stand condemned.

We should therefore begin to live with the reality that God Almighty is closer to us than the air we breathe, the water we drink, the breeze we feel. The vision of God is clearer and faster than any optical instruments humans can ever wield. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscience. He is the only one that possesses such attributes, we can not hide anything from Him. Everything we do in the dark or open are naked to Him, we may cover and disguise our sins and say nobody knows, but we can’t hide from God.

It is foolhardy to assume that there is anything we can hide from God. He knows everything about us. That is why we must be concerned more about Godโ€™s opinion of us, rather than worrying about what people think of us. No sin, no matter how minute and obscure, can be hidden from God. Even our thoughts are known to Him before they are hatched. The only way to escape His anger and judgment is to turn away from all sinful practices and receive grace that will enable us to live righteously.

Prayer point:

Let us thank God for His love and mercy upon our lives. Let’s ask Him to teach us His ways so that we will please Him and avoid hiding our secrets from His sight.

Repost from: 15.10.2021

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