God knows YOU


Date:ย 09.04.2021

Title: God knows YOU

By: Dorcas Enim Enyan


โ€œBefore l formed you in the womb l knew you and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nationsโ€.

โ€“ Jeremiah 1:5


Thought process: Have you ever thought of how you came to this world and under which circumstances you were born? And the challenges your birth brought about? There is a desire in every human to know more and acquire more. What are some of the questions you have asked yourself and what were the answers you got?

In our developing and evolving world, finding answers to every situation has been made available to us through various sources. But just finding any solution to your question does not solve it. You will be marvelled if you asked real questions and received truthful answers. I once asked my mother how l came to this world and what she had to go through because of my birth. To my surprise, she told me l was supposed to be an aborted child, she literally took a pill to terminate my birthing. This was definitely not a question the world could have answered, neither our favourite search engine โ€œGoogleโ€. This very answer l received from her was enough for me, l just couldnโ€™t dare to ask further questions.

In our scripture for today which is taking from Jeremiah 1:5, God calls Jeremiah and instructs him with His words to deliver to the nation of Judah and its rulers during the reigns of Josiah, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah. But before he sends him forth God reveals His knowledge and the future concerning Jeremiah even before He gave him life. This is also the case for most people in the bible like Joseph, Moses and our most beloved saviour Jesus who had been prophecied about from the beginning of the bible till He fulfilled all that the Lord said through the prophet (Matthew 1:21-23).

The previously mentioned scripture is a demonstration of Truth just as the bible says in John 14:6, Jesus answered,โ€ l am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. What do you desire to know? And how bad do you desire to know what you need? There are various channels you can get what you want but Jesus is the only one who can accurately give you the answers you need because He is the only Truth. His Truth is pure, His Truth is secure, His Truth is genuine, His Truth is everlasting and never-ending.

Seek to have a relationship with God today because He wants to tell you more about YOURSELF and even those around you, if He has been able to number all the hair of your head, which information can he not provide for you. We have a great privilege as believers to have the ability to house the Holy Spirit in our bodies. The bible tells us in John 16:12-13,โ€ l have much more to say to you, more than you can now hear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.


Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for the word you have received today and pray that God may grant the entire body the grace to seek His truth and draw us to have a relationship with Him.


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God bless you all!


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