God offers a lifetime partnership


By: Michael Ntow

Date: 23/03/2021

Title: God offers a lifetime partnership

โ€œFor this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even until death.โ€
โ€ญโ€ญPsalmsโ€ฌ โ€ญ48:14โ€ฌ โ€ญAMPโ€ฌ

This cheered my heart one day. It says that God will be our guide even unto death! How wonderful to know that we have a guide to get us from one destination in life to the next.

A story is told of a husband and a wife who traveled to see some important sites and never hired a guide to take them on this journey. So they explored by themselves; that way they could do what they wanted to and when to do them. They ended up spending a large part of their day getting lost and trying to find their way again.

I believe this example relates to how we are in life. We want to go our own way so we can do what we want to do, when we want to do it, but we end up getting lost and wasting our life. We need the Holy Spirit guiding us through every day of our time on this earth. God is committed to guide us even until we leave this life, so it seems important to learn how to hear what He is telling us. One of the many benefits of hearing from God is that He helps us prepare for the future. The Holy Spirit gives the message toย us that has been given to Him from the Father. He announces and declares to us things that will happen in the future (see again John 16:13).

We see many instances in the Bible when God gave people information about the future. Noah was told to prepare for a flood that would come to destroy the people of the earth (see Genesis 6:13-17). Moses was told to go to Pharaoh and ask for the release of the Israelites, but he was also told that Pharaoh would not let them go (see Exodus 7). Obviously, God does not tell us everything that will happen in the future, but the Bible says He will tell us of things to come.

The Holy Spirit knows both the mind of God and Godโ€™s individual plan for you. His road map for you is not necessarily like anybody elseโ€™s, so it doesnโ€™t work to try to pattern your life after someone else or what he or she has heard from God. God has a unique plan for you, and the Holy Spirit knows what it is and will reveal it to you only and only if we partner with HIM.

Letโ€™s pray asking the HolySpirit to guide us through everyday of our time here on this earth.

God bless us all


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