God search for a Man

Call To Prayer

Title: God’s search for a Man

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 20.02.2023


”And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none” (Ezekiel 22:30).


God Almighty through the wisdom of the scripture wants to teach us something important this time. We become aware through the revelation of the scripture that God worked with several men who prior to encountering God, were ordinary, downtrodden, and overlooked during their lifetime. Nevertheless, after meeting God, their life was elevated to an amazing dimension. Virtually all of them had one or two social, physical, financial, and prestige disabilities. Since the fall of man, God had been working toward restoring the beautiful relationship He always desired between Him and mankind. We take our lesson from the calling of Abraham (Genesis 12), who was ordinary in his father’s house and was a mere man among his siblings, land, and kindred.

Despite his situation, he believed and acted according to the instructions of God, and by such action; the blessed nation of Israel came through him. We see that by the virtue of Abraham’s friendship with God, he was eventually able to intercede for Lot’s land of Sodom and Gomora by negotiating with God to have mercy (Genesis 18:16-33). We also learn from the calling of Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3:1-15), despite him being a stammerer and of slow speech, God excessively used him to deliver the Israelites by humiliating Pharaoh. Furthermore, we learn about the calling of Samuel (1 Samuel 3:3-11), he responded well by heeding the advice of his mentor, Eli. The Bible recorded that all the days of Samuel, he judged the Israelites (1 Samuel 7:15), and conquered the beastly philistines (1 Samuel 7:13).

More so, we learn of David (a man after God’s heart), he defeated the giant Goliath and became a just King, we also take reference from the young man Daniel, who steadfastly stood against the despot King Darius’s orders and also purposed in his heart to not defile himself with the portion of meat offered to Idols (Daniel 1:8). It was the revelation and interpretation of king Nebuchadnezzar’s forgotten dream by Daniel that saved the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers, and all others from the dead punishment of the king (Daniel 2:1-49). Also, we learn from the faithful Joseph, who despite the rough path he went through, was through the intervention of God able to save the land of Egypt from disastrous famine by providing accurate interpretation and wise counsel to Pharaoh’s dream (Genesis 41:1-57).

Dearly beloved, there is endless evidence in the Scripture that God is continuously searching for men to manifest, glorify and demonstrate His mercy by saving many helpless people. As a saved child of God, you can be the negotiator of God’s mercy on your family, you might be the intercessor for your place of work, you might be the voice of love and kindness to the sick around you, you might be the prophet of your country, you could be the expression of God’s solution to mere people around you. Allow God to work on you, don’t let God come and search for someone in your neighborhood and could find none! Make yourself available by all means; you must not be a ceremonious pastor, prophet, evangelist, or some formally anointed man of God before you could stand between God and helpless people. Let your presence bring comfort and God’s mercy to people.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the word, and also ask Him to help us respond to His call


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