God wants you to make the right decisions 

Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path they should choose

– Psalm 25:12 NLT


Before I go into the topic of today let me explain in short words what the bible is talking about when it speaks of the fear the Lord. First of all, we should know that the bible isn’t talking about being „afraid“ of God, but rather the fear that reveres the authority of God; a fear that honours His majesty and power. Proverbs 9:10 says, „The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.“

In the old testament, it is described how God spoke to His people, sometimes through Angels, personally, through dreams and visions, revelations , etc.  Now you and I living in the New Testament today have the answers to all lives questions in the Word of God, which I believe makes life really easy. One may ask, does God still talk to us personally today? My answer is „YES He still does!“

Let me give a personal experience: The first time I heard God clear and loud was when I newly gave my life completely for Christ to use! On this faithful day, I got my parents angry and needed to apologise. The truth must be said, I was clearly at fault but as a teenager I sometimes still wanted to have things done my own way. After the argument with my parents, without apologising, I went to bed. While lying on my bed, not being able to sleep, I heard a loud voice calling my name and saying, „But you know you were wrong“. I personally thought it was my parents saying that to me and I went to them to confirm if truly they were the one calling me, but to my surprise they weren’t. This happened three times that very night and I realised instantly that God just spoke to me and told me what was needed to be done. I believe we know that I had no other choice but to admit to my wrongs and apologise to my parents the very next day.

So let me tell you something, God will audibly speak as loud and clear to you that your heart, mind and spirit will definitely know without a doubt, that it is He talking to you!  God is willing to speak to you about the critical issues in your life so that you can make the right decisions but you have to be ready and willing to follow. 

Brethren, just think about this, God created and saved you for His glorious purpose. So why will He keep something that will help you fulfill this purpose from you? He is willing to reveal Himself to you and willing to speak to you very clearly when He knows your heart is right with Him, and you are willing to do what He wants you to do, Just as Psalm 25:12 says, „…He will show them the path they should choose.“ 

Prayer Point: 

Let’s thank God for His word today and ask Him for His Grace so we may fear and obey Him. Let’s also ask for His divine directions so that we may be able make correct decisions.


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God bless you all! 


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