Godly training

Call To Prayer

Title: Godly Training

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 24.05.2024


ย For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 1 Timothy 4:8


Training is an essential activity to prepare oneself for present and future need. It involves endurance, commitment, determination and stamina. In our physical world today, so many professions of life require different kinds of training in order to gain strength, energy, experience etc. People undergo rigorous forms of training through self effort. One of the best ways to differentiate people of same career or profession is by how rigorous their training was. In sports, athletes pass through several arduous training in preparation for a tournament. Some for instance, take personal time or hire a private trainer just to achieve a targeted body stamina.

People often go to the gym with the aim of building a curvy body or six packs. They dedicate so much time, effort, money, resilience and patience in order to get that obsessed body figure. It is good to maintain one’s physical health by staying fit, nonetheless, they unknowingly create idols out of it. Training of any sort is not easy; it comes with pain, sometimes frustrations, disappointment on first trial but in the end, success is achieved. Just like earthly forms of training, believers are to subject themselves to godly training against the days of adversity.

Godly training comes with lofty spiritual and even physical benefits. It involves equipping ourselves with the whole armor of God ( Ephesians 6:11). God as our Heavenly Father cares more about our spiritual growth and development than our fleshly comfort. He really wants us to come to the place of maturity, where we can access all that He has for us as heirs and joint-heirs with Christ, for we are sons (Romans 8:17, Galatians 4:5-7). It is not possible to attain that level of His dimension if we always remain like children, because a child differs not from a servant even though he is the lord of all (Galatians 4:1).

Godly training means crucifying the old man, which is the residue of the Adamic nature that disguises in the flesh. Because they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh and all its lustful desires (Galatians 5:24). More so, it means subjecting ourselves to consistent prayers (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Scriptural study should be in our routine, because when we do that we show ourselves approved before God (2 Timothy 2:10). Further more, we should learn to keep our heart with diligence (Proverbs 4:23).

Beloved, it is also crucial we tame our eyes, mouth, ears to external events. As part of the godly exercise, we should be careful of the kind of contents we watch on social media. They are mostly spirit draining! Even some jokes, skits are not edifying, they eat up our spiritual energy gradually.

Prayer point

Let’s thank God for the message and also ask Him to help us endure the pain of godly training knowing that it is profitable in this life and the life to come.


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