God’s Judgment

Call to Prayer

Title: God’s Judgment

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 20.09.2022


if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly;

2Peter 2:14 NIV


We are in a season of the fulfilment of certain biblical predictions of the period in man’s existence on earth called the End Time. The End Time is a period of the revelation of God’s Judgement on earth. Yes, as a Church, we expect to be raptured, but that in itself is God’s strategy of preserving the Church from experiencing the judgment the world will. Again, this doesn’t mean the Church is spared of it, for judgment begins from the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). With this known, gaining the knowledge that God judges sin, and we must give an account of whatever we do, will impart to us the needed fear of Him.


After the revelation of His power by the creation of the universe, the revelation He gave to man was the revelation that He is the God that judges sin. This was shown by the judgment Adam and Eve received by yielding to the deceptive trick of the enemy (Gen. 3:1-19). All through the bible, this aspect of God, as a judge, has been displayed by His judgements over individuals and nations alike. This doesn’t change the fact that He is a God of love and He is merciful. But His mercy is received in the place of judgment (James 2:13), showing that both exist in Him. 


The transition to the new covenant did not mean God has changed, rather, we have been brought to a place in Him where His mercy will always reign over judgement in our lives (James 2:13) when we appropriated it by acknowledging our faults and turning away from sin (1John 1:9, Acts. 3:19). There is a justice system in the New Covenant, which means, there are still consequences of actions. Apostle Paul writing about this mentioned that the consequence of sin is still death (Romans 6:23) If we choose to live in the flesh. The difference between the judgment of the Old Testament and the New Testament is that the judgment in the New Testament does not lead to our condemnation, but a training (chastening) so that we can be all that the Lord wants us to be, when we yield ourselves to Him(Heb. 12:11). The writer of Hebrew puts it in this manner: “because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son. Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? (Heb: 12:7)“. The sign that shows our approval that we have been accepted as sons of God is the chastening He allows us to endure. If you have not had this experience, it means you are not His child (Heb: 12:8).


The implication of all I have written above is that we need to have His fear, which will keep us from judgement (chastening). Our God is still a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29). No chastening is a pleasant experience (Heb: 12:7), it’s best you avoid it by turning away from sin. One way to do this is for you to remember His judgments (in scriptures, in the life of others, and your life). This is what Apostle Peter meant when he mentioned in 2Peter 2:14 that the judgement that God melted on Sodom and Gomorrah was an example for us (Apostle Peter was writing to believers).


Prayer Point:


Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us have referential fear of Him and keep us from turning to evil.

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