Call To Prayer

Title: God’s name manifested

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 07/06/2022


I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world. JOHN 17:6


Notice that our Lord says here that He has “manifested” the name of God unto men whom God had given Him out of the world. He does not say merely that He told them about it. He goes beyond that. He says, “I have manifested . . .”there has been a revelation, there has been an expounding of the name.

That which was concealing it has been taken away, and there has been an unveiling or an unfolding, that is the meaning of the word “manifested.” Our Lord has made the name appear, and He has put it obviously before them. This is a very rich and comprehensive term, and our Lord undoubtedly uses it deliberately so that these men who are listening to Him as He prays to God might realize the variegated and manifold character of this manifestation of the name of God that He has given.

So how does the Lord Jesus Christ manifest the name of God, and especially how does He do so in a way that is superior to the Old Testament revelation? The author of the letter to the Hebrews argues for the preeminence of Christ. The Old Testament was a true revelation, but it was only in part and in pieces; now, in Christ, it has come in all its fullness and glory.

Here, then, our Lord says that because He is the Son of God, He has manifested the name of God in a way that nothing and no one else could ever have done. He puts it like this: “They have received them [the words God gave Him], and have known surely that I came out from thee.” “These,” He says in essence, “are Your people; these are true Christians because they know that I have come out from You.” That is just another way of saying that these people knew that He was, in a unique and absolute sense, the Son of God.


A thought to ponder 

These people knew that He was, in a unique and absolute sense, the Son of God.

Prayer point

Let us ask for the grace to be able to show forth Christ to the world.


God bless us all


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