Call to Prayer

Date: 29.03.2021 

Title: God’s Timing

But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years is like a day.

(2 Peter 3:8 NLT)

There are so many stories in the Bible which shows that God’s time isn’t like ours. I believe we all know that God is eternal and superior over time. 

King Solomon knew that his days on earth are short and wrote, „I came to hate all my hard work here on earth, for I must leave to others everything I have earned( Ecclesiastes 2:18).“ David also said, „Lord, remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is (Psalm 39:4).“ I could mention many prophets who truly knew how precious time was on earth. But why am I pondering on it that much? It is simple, these people understood that God’s time isn’t like ours! Therefore they humbled themselves before God because they knew and understood that only God can choose to prolong someone’s life or not.

David, who I believe was a prophet, spoke about God’s faithfulness towards those who are His children (Psalm 37:25). Our loving Father is so unique in His ways, and always there at the right time! He is never late. You may think otherwise because we always expect God to work according to our own time. However, God works according to His own time and He is never late.

Let’s consider the story of Zachariah and His wife Elizabeth. The two were faithful and righteous servants of God. Despite their childlessness, they were still grounded in their faith and believed in God. In the sight and wisdom of man, it seemed like they were too old to bear children due to their old age. But as we know, God’s timing is always unique; His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. He didn’t just bless them with a child but one full of the Holy Spirit.

Brethren if there’s anything you are believing God for, just know that He has Time and Seasons in His hands. Everything is possible with Him!

Prayer Point:

Lets Pray that God grant each member in the body of the Christ the ability to wait on His time and be obedient on His word.

God bless you all!

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