Great Faith


Title: Great Faith

By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 08.09.2024


Then Jesus answered and said to her, โ€œO woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.โ€ And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

(Matthew 15:28 NKJV)


As Children of God, our Heavenly Father has a lot of Blessings in store for us. These include but not limited to good health, healing, divine protection, divine provision, favor, prosperity, and spiritual gifts. In order to access these inheritances of ours, we need to have Faith. When you go to a shop and want to shop for yourself a Shoe or a Shirt, what you need is money. However, in the Kingdom of God, Faith is the currency we use to buy things for ourselves.

As in everything, there are also different levels of Faith. We have Faith, Great Faith, and exceedingly Great Faith. Great Faith is what you need if you want the Lord to heal you or a loved one and its also needed to access great dimensions of the supernatural and other spiritual gifts. In Matthew 15, this Canaanite woman, who was not an Israelite was able to procure healing for her daughter through Great Faith. It is one thing to impress people with your Faith but for our Lord Jesus to be impressed by your Faith shows that, you have done well. Therefore, what can we learn from this woman? How can we also activate Great Faith?

The first key to activate Great Faith is Perception. One definition of perception is, โ€œto be aware of somethingโ€. What should we be aware of? We have to first be aware of the presence of God in our lives (Heb 11:6). We have the Latent and the Manifest presence of God. The Latent presence of God is whereby the Lord is present, but we cannot see or feel Him spiritually. The Manifest presence of God is whereby the Lord is made visible to our Spiritual Senses (1 Cor 2:9). Thatโ€™s when God comes alive!

This Canaanite woman didnโ€™t perceive Jesus as a mere Carpenterโ€™s son as the people of Nazareth did (Mark 6:3). However, she perceived Jesus as the Messiah. I personally believe that many people donโ€™t get healed because they feel that God is too far away from us. Before our Lord Jesus departed, He promised not to leave us orphans because He will come to us. Today, I have a very Good News for you: He has come, and He is so close to you because you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. To be able to draw the Power of the Lord, we have to be aware of His presence in our lives, not in Church but even in your room (Acts 9:33-34). I see Him touching your life and that of your loved one in Jesus Name! When we have this perception, our Faith is activated and thatโ€™s when we can receive great and mighty blessings from God.

Beloved in the Lord, our Heavenly Father has a lot of Blessings in store for us as our Inheritance. In order to access some of these Inheritances, Great Faith is needed. To activate Great Faith, we must first be aware of the presence of God in our lives.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to strengthen the Faith of all Believers around the world. Letโ€™s also ask the Lord to help us to be aware of His presence in our lives.

Repost from: 05.12.2021


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