Greater Discernment


Title:ย Greater Discernment

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 07.03.2022


The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.ย  2 Thessalonians 2:9 NIV


As revealed from scriptures, the end time is a time of strange manifestations, ones that will serve to deceive. Due to his defeat, the devil has been stripped of His power, but not his deceptive tricks. Just like he did with Adam and Eve in the beginning at Eden, deception is a way he will manifest himself in the end time. Therefore, the Church needs to be properly equipped with the word, so we will not be ignorant of the devil’s tricks (2 Cor. 2:11) or lacking in discernment when needed.

Discernment is simply the ability to be able to make good judgments (to decide). It helps us to notice the fine-point details of what we are considering. It is a fruit of wisdom and a tool to know what is of God and what is not. One of the ways Jesus taught was by storytelling. In an attempt to imitate Him, I will do so today. Some years ago I was very ill. A friend of my mum introduced a pastor to her and suggested we visit him for divine healing. When asked by my mum, I agreed and together we decided to visit the fellowship this pastor was leading. As I sat in the crowd, paying close attention to what was happening, I and others visiting the fellowship were amazed at the accuracy of the prophetic words, the deliverance performed. The preaching of the word was powerful, and the music was uplifting. Surely the Lord is here we thought.

Before the said service ended, the supposed man of God spotted me in the congregation and called me out. Being someone who has been given word of knowledge that people he prophesied to confirmed accurate, I was keen to hear what he will say to me. Sadly, what I received wasnโ€™t so positive. After revealing a destiny that was different from what I have been told by the Holy Spirit before then, he said he sees death, and that a woman was responsible for it. After which he requested I see him after the service. I met Him after the service, and He assured me that the woman was going to die. He requested I give him a certain sum, and I should buy some soap when coming at an appointed date, for we will go to a stream for spiritual cleansing.

Having been acquainted with the doctrine of love, I knew praying for an enemy to die wasnโ€™t Godโ€™s will, even if that enemy is a witch. Again, Jesusโ€™ admonition to the disciples after entrusting them with spiritual gifts wasย โ€œfreely you have received, freely give (Matt 10:8)โ€.ย Furthermore, spiritual cleansing by bathing in a stream is not a scriptural practice. I was convinced he was a fake, and I told my mum afterwards that we are not going back there anymore.

For some days I wondered, what about the accurate words of prophecy? What about the powerful preaching? What about the good music and the excitement among the people in the fellowship? During Sunday service in my local Church in Nigeria, the Holy Spirit spoke these words using one of the vessels to all there: โ€œMy children, my children, there are lots of fake prophets out there. So many. Come and take cover, come and take cover. Mansions are being built hereโ€. I understood that His words were a reflection of what I had experienced and a direction of where I should be.

Greater discernment is a discernment that is based on the word of God, and not on the appearance of things. The devil can preach good sermons and quote lots of scriptures. But by their fruit, you shall know them.

Prayer Point

Let us thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to increase the discernment of each member of the body of Christ.

God bless you all


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