Growing in the Grace


Title: Growing in the Grace

By:ย  Daniel Peter

Date: 23.03.2022


But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen

2 Peter 3:18 NIV


The outcome of the life of any Christian is a function of the amount of grace they have been able to access in Christ. As it is said, โ€œgrace makes greatโ€. Therefore, we all need to learn how to access grace in Christ. In this regard, there are certain things we can do to ensure that we always grow in the grace of God in our lives.

Broadly speaking, the grace of God exists in two forms: as free favour and as empowerment (we can discern this from 1 Corinthians 15:10). Grace as free favour qualifies us for the blessings in Christ, our calling and ministries etc., despite our shortcomings as humans, but grace as empowerment determines the extent to which we can manifest those blessings and fulfil our calling and ministries. Grace as free favour is common to every Christian, for it is given to us the moment we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.ย  Whereas the grace of God as empowerment is given to us in measures, and the measure is determined by our engagements of certain kingdom principles.

To grow in the measure of the grace of God in your life, the first thing you do is to grow in the word. The grace of God is Jesus Himself (Titus 2:11-14), and He is the word of God. The more you have his word in you, the more of Him you have. Again, the right understanding of the substitutionary work of Christ releases His grace in our lives. For grace was delivered to mankind as an exchange; He endured death for us to have His life, He became poor for us to be rich (2Cor. 8:9), and our sins were placed on Him for us to be His righteousness etc. We rise to the extent of the grace we are able to see from His death and resurrection.

Another thing we need to do to grow in grace is humility. Scriptures say โ€œGod opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.(James 4:6 ESV)โ€ . Humility can be expressed in several ways, one of which is prayer. The Bible says, โ€œif my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and prayโ€ฆ (2 Chro. 17:14)โ€. Therefore, the more time we spend praying, the more of His grace is made available for us.

The last key on how to access grace in Christ I am going to give today is giving. When Apostle Paul was admonishing the Corinthians Church to give, he made an important mention of a benefit of being a practitioner of that act. He said: โ€œEach one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not out of regret or compulsion. For God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to youโ€ฆ. (2 Cor. 9:7,8)โ€. Therefore, the more we practice the act of giving, God causes us to abound in every grace.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us to grow in grace.


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