He Could Do No Mighty Works

Call To Prayer

Title: He Could Do No Mighty Works

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date: 11.10.2022


He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.

Mark 6:5 NIV


By His word, He created all we see (Col. 1:16), and by the same word He sustains all (Heb.1: 3). The scripture is filled with miracles done in His name. However, there was a time the Almighty, with whom nothing is impossible, could do no mighty works. What a contrast, you will say, but this is what happened when Jesus Christ visited His hometown. What was responsible for this? and what is the solution to it?

God desires to interfere in our situation and grant that which we are requesting from Him, but receiving from God is not something that is dependent on Godโ€™s willingness and power only, the receiver also has a role to play. Yes, scriptures like James 1:6 and Matthew 21:22 affirm faith on our part as the way to receive from God, but faith goes beyond conviction in the heart, it is also expressed in our actions and disposition of our hearts. One such action is honour.

Honour simply meansย โ€œhigh respect; great esteemโ€.ย How we esteem the vessel God is using to bring our blessing determines if we will receive the blessing or not. This was what the people of Nazareth lacked. The Bible records that they said among themselvesย โ€œIsnโ€™t this the carpenterโ€™s son? Isnโ€™t his motherโ€™s name Mary, and arenโ€™t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?……ย And they took offence at him. (Matt. 13:55, 57)โ€.ย Because they were familiar with Him, they despised Him, and that stopped the almighty from doing mighty works. The fact that the Bible records thatย He could not do many miraclesย suggest that He tried doing miracles. Dishonour, because of familiarity, is the reason some people close to some ministers of God do not receive healing or other blessings they seek, yet people who come from afar receive.ย 

Being familiar with a vessel God is using is not necessarily a sin. Familiarity meansย โ€œclose acquaintance with or knowledge of somethingโ€. What we do when we become familiar with a man or woman of God determines if we are honouring the person or not. The solution to people responding negatively to being familiar with a vessel God is using is teaching. In response to the dishonour He received, the Bible records thatย โ€œJesus went around teaching from village to village (Mark 6:6)โ€.ย Mary the mother of Jesus was one who despite being familiar with Jesus (Jesus being her son), still honoured Him by acknowledging the power of His word (John 2:5). She was a disciple of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:15-26).

The subject of honour must be taught to the body of Christ so we can receive the fulness of the blessing God wants us to have. This is the responsibility of the ministers, for we cannot expect from the people what we have not imparted, by teaching, in them.ย 

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to help the body to learn and practice honour, and He should help His ministers to take up the responsibility of imparting this knowledge.


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