He Kept His Promise 

Call To Prayer

Date: 05.04.2021

He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying

Matthew 28:6 NLT

It is true that as humans, we love having someone who keeps and fulfils his promises. It is also true that trust is the number one key to a stronger relationship. 

There is a story of a young man who was willing to buy himself a car and went in search for it. He found himself one and contacted the seller. When he went to see the car, he told the seller to reserve it for him for 2 days, and he will come back and buy the car. In order to assure the seller of his promise, he said to him, „ I am a man of my word!“. Two days later, this young man came and bought the car as he had promised

Jesus fulfilled His promise! A promise He came with, a mission He started; the salvation of God’s people! This mission looked very hard to believe but yet He finished it and we are all witnesses! ( Acts 5:31-32) 

There is something special about someone who commits to do something and follows through on the promise/word to finish it! Such people earn the trust and respect in their community.

Now Jesus made this promise and followed through on His word. He did what He said He will do. (John 2:19) HE IS RISEN! And now we are privileged to be enjoying this very gift which is Jesus  himself who is constantly WITH, IN and UPON us ( The HOLY SPIRIT). For if our Lord Jesus Christ hadn’t kept His promise, we wouldn’t have the power of His Spirit in us!

So Brethren, what are the promises you are holding unto? What promises has Jesus made that you are clinging to? Just be assured that He will deliver them because He is a God of His word. God is not a man that He shall lie; whatever He has promised, He will surely accomplish it (Numbers 23:19).

Have faith in God and just remember that without faith it is impossible to please God! ( Hebrews 11:6)

Happy Easter! 

Prayer Point: 

Let’s thank God for His word today. May God help us to keep His word in our hearts so that we may not fall into any spirit of deception and lose sight of His glory in Jesus name!

God bless you all! 


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