Help the Weak in Faith


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 24.07.2022

Title: Help the Weak in Faith


Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.

ย (Romans 14:1 NKJV)


A Bible Scholar told a story of an incident that happened when he was in the Bible School. He had a visit from a group of people to discuss the Bible. During the discussions, he realized that those people had totally different opinions and understanding of the word of God. After their first meeting, his friend asked him whether he knew who those people were. He replied that he didnโ€™t, and the friend said they are Jehovahโ€™s Witnesses.

When this Bible Scholar realized who those people were, he decided to prepare very well so he can argue with them in their next meeting. So, he went to the library to read a lot of books and do a lot of research for their next meeting. According to him, he argued very well in their second encounter, defeated, and disgraced the Jehovahโ€™s Witnesses in front of many people. He was so proud of himself because everyone was hailing him.

When his friend came back, he told him what happened and how proud he was for defeating those people. His friend on the other hand was not so much impressed. He became quiet and looked at him in a disappointed way. He then asked the Scholar, โ€œDo you think those people will come back again after what you did to them?โ€ The Scholar was quiet and realized what he had done. He was so much focused on showing off his knowledge of the word that he pushed away his brothers who are weak in Faith.

There are different levels of Faith in the Body of Christ, but we have to learn to tolerate everyone, help one another, and work together (Rom 14). Those who are mature in the Faith need to be patient and tolerate those who are now growing in their Faith because it may take some time before they understand certain things (Rom 15:1). Until they come to maturity, we have to be willing to help them, tolerate them, teach them, correct them in love, and not to argue with them. Those who are now growing in their Faith should also be humble and be ready to learn and accept corrections from those who are strong in the Faith.

When dealing with a friend or a brother who has a different opinion or understanding about certain topics in the Faith, we have to always ask ourselves what our main aim is. Is our aim to show our brother that he doesnโ€™t know anything, and so he should keep quiet for the Scholars to talk? Or is our aim to help our brother to grow in his Faith? If our aim is to help our brother, then we have to deal with him in love and apply some level of wisdom as well. From my personal experience, certain types of corrections are much helpful, effective and impactful when carried out in private.

Beloved in the Lord, the Body of Christ is full of Believers with different levels of maturity. New members enter every day, and they have to go through the process that leads to maturity. As they go through this process, those who are matured in the Faith should help them, encourage them and learn to tolerate them, knowing that we are all one in Christ.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all Believers to love and tolerate one another, especially those who are weak in Faith.

God bless you all.


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