Call to prayer

Title: Highest Power

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 08/03/2022


As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. JOHN 17:2


There is only one person who can give us the gift of eternal life, and that is the One who is praying: โ€œAs thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.โ€ Christ alone can give us this eternal life.

There is the terrible danger of mysticism here, or at any rate of the mysticism that does not make Christ central. There are many people in the world who are anxious to possess this life of God. You will find them writing about it, and one of the most remark- able examples of this has been Aldous Huxley, who used to be a complete skeptic, but who came to believe that nothing can save the world but mysticism, and who became a Buddhist for that reason.

Such men believe that there is this eternal life of God to be had, that what we need is that life of God in ourselves, and that our trouble is that we have not got it. But these people think that they can get this life of God in themselves without mentioning the Lord Jesus Christ at all. You get it, they say, by contemplation of the Absolute, by increasingly sinking into the eternal and being lost in him, because as you do so, you are receiving life from him.

But, my friends, it is Christ and He alone who can give eternal life. He claims it here, and Scripture says it everywhere: โ€œAs thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life . . .โ€ There is no one else who can give eternal life to man except the Lord Jesus Christ. If it were possible in any other way, why did He ever come to earth? Why the death on the cross? There is no other way; the whole plan of salvation centers on Him.


A thought to ponderย 

Christ alone can give us this eternal life.

Prayer point
Let us pray that the unsaved will come to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to know that He is the Only way, the truth and the Life.


God bless us all

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