Hindrances to Walking in Love Part 1

ย  Call to Prayer

Title: Hindrances to Walking in Love Part 1

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 16.07.2021

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Matthew 24:12โ€ญ-โ€ฌ13 NIV

Love is the basic doctrine of the Christian faith. Apart from it being a doctrine or an instruction, it is the very nature of God (1John 4:8). Therefore, to walk in love is to be like God.

The path of love is one that is filled with many hindrances, chiefly because of the enemy of our salvation, the devil. Knowing what he uses to keep us from walking in love is a good way to overcome his tricks. One of the things the enemy uses to keep people from walking in love is fear. Because of the evil in the world, people are not sure of who to love, fearing that they may be harmed. As affirmed by our scriptural verse of today, increased wickedness in the world will affect the love of many. Only those who insist to love despite the evil are those who will be saved.ย 

Though fear is considered by many to be “false evidence appearing real”, there is actually enough evil in the world to make people to fear. The question now is, how do we overcome fear?

The first key to overcoming fear is to know that God is with you. All through scriptures, we find God encouraging His servant to fear not because He is with them (Isaiah 41:10). The knowledge that God is with you imparts the courage to be obedient to the instruction to love despite the danger loving may pose. This boldness to obey becomes an act of faith, one that God rewards. God’s presence is a protection against evil (Psalm 91).

Another key to overcoming fear is to know that know what we have received by redemption. 2 Timothy 1:7 states that “for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control”. The spirit of power, love and self-control are antidotes to the spirit of fear. Having this knowledge (intimately) will give you the victory over it.

The third key to overcoming fear is the fear of God. “Fear not” is a command that was repeated 365 times in the Bible, showing its importance. Fear brings torment (1John 4:18) and it’s a sin, though many are not aware of it. Knowing that there is a consequence for being fearful will keep you from it. This was the reason behind Nehemiah’s victory over fear when Tobiah and Shanballat hired Shemaiah to give him a frightening message to stop him from building (Nehemiah 6: 10 -14). Knowing that being scared would lead him to sin (verse 13), he chose to stand in faith, avoiding God’s judgement.

Lastly, being filled with the Holy Spirit helps you to be bold ( Acts 4:31), and we need boldness to walk in love. We are filled with the spirit by praying, especially by speaking in tongues (Jude 1:20), and byย  “speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns, making songs in the spirit. Singing and making music in your heart (Eph. 5:18-19)”.

Prayers Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask him to help us to be bold to walk in love, despite the evil in the world.

God bless you all.

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