Hold On To God


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 10.09.2023

Title: Hold On To God


For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, โ€˜Fear not, I will help you.โ€™ (Isaiah 41:13 NKJV)


In the Book of Genesis, there is a story about Joseph who was sold by his brothers as a slave but ended up becoming a Governor in Egypt because the Lord used him to interpret the then Pharoahโ€™s dreams (Gen 41). The King really loved Joseph and so he allowed him to bring his family members to live with him in Egypt when there was a severe famine in Israel. This is how the Israelites ended up in Egypt. However, after the death of Joseph, a new King arose in Egypt who didnโ€™t know Joseph. He became envious of the Israelites and enslaved them (Ex 1).

My question for you today is, in whom do you put your trust, hope and faith? In times of trouble and difficulties, who do you run to? Some people have put all their hope and trust in their money and possessions. Many rich and public figures in our societies have placed their trust in the number of Bodyguards or Military personnel they have to protect them from attacks and threats on their lives.

Many so-called Superpower Nations have placed all their trust in the arsenal of weapons they have for protection. Many Nations have also placed their trust in other Superpower Nations to protect them from being attacked or help them defend themselves when they are attacked.

Sadly, most people in the world have placed their trust in earthy things and in other men. It is however very unwise to put your trust in earthly possessions which easily fade away and in men, who can easily fail and disappoint you (Ps 146:3, Jer 17:5). There are so many Millionaires who woke up rich but went to bed poor because the stock market crushed. For those Nations who have their hopes in other Superpower Nations for protection, a new Leader may arise who will decide to cancel this agreement and you will be on your own.

The truth is that the only one in whom we can put all our trust, hope, and Faith is God. This is because God will always be there; He lives and reigns forever (Is 57:15, Rev 1:8). He is also powerful, and mighty; there is nothing too hard for Him. With God all things are possible (Matt 19:26). He is faithful and true to His word, and since He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, we are confident that He will fulfill it (Hebrews 13:5).

We are living in End times, and this is accompanied by many trials, persecutions, sufferings, and difficult times. Therefore, if we experience such times, letโ€™s not look unto men. However, letโ€™s hold on to the Lord and continue to trust Him to work all things for our good (Rom 8:28).

Beloved in the Lord, cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord (Jer 17:5). Letโ€™s therefore not put our trust in men or in our possessions because they will fail us. However, letโ€™s put our trust in the Lord and hold on to Him in times of trials, persecutions, and sufferings. Letโ€™s remain faithful till the end !

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to trust Him with all their heart and remain faithful to Him till the end.

God bless you all


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