Hold Tight To Christmas


By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Date: 27.12.2021

Title: Hold Tight To Christmas


But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.

ย (Luke 2:19 NKJV)


This last Sunday in December reminded us in the increasing rush of time that we are all a milestone closer to the grave, twelve months, which we can never again regain and relive. Only a few more Christmas is left for most of you, and no more for some of you. Life with all its unrealized hopes and unfulfilled ambitions, will be over!

We are living in the fastest tempo history has ever known. Everything must be on time; we canโ€™t delay on anything because time isnโ€™t on our side. Hurry and swiftness are our watchword in this speed it up generation. With this high tension and amazing rapidity, comes the danger of we quickly forgetting and dismissing the eternal truth. In our time now, right after the second day of the anniversary of the birth of our savior, many will begin going to work, and after a short week or two all the signs of Christmas are removed and the celebration of this very day in our hearts is lost. Sadly, the blessings of the Saviorโ€™s birth are carelessly taken for granted.

When I first came to Germany as a 10-year-old girl who had only seen small houses, I was so amazed by the tall buildings and colors of the houses that I couldnโ€™t take my eyes off them. My mum always got angry because I always stumbled on my feet every time, I lift my head to look at them. Today, at the age of 30, I hardly even get amazed by the tallest buildings. I have seen them for over 20 years that they look normal to me today.

Similarly, as we celebrate Christmas after Christmas, many of you might think that you know the whole story because you have heard it severally, but the truth is you can never begin to exhaust the treasures of its Grace. The naivest people on earth arenโ€™t those who speak against God, or those who harden their heart from the truth of the Gospel, but rather the most dangerous enemies of the Redeemerโ€™s Gospel are the easy-going, self-confident Christians within and outside the churches who hear Heavenโ€™s invitation and then quickly dismiss it from their minds, and live and act as though there were no Savior or no Christmas with its message.

Those who are hurrying through life with no time for the Holy Child, celebrate the Saviorโ€™s birthday every day! Letโ€™s learn from our Lordโ€™s mother, Mary whom the Bible wrote of that after Christmas had come and gone, after the shepherds had worshipped and departed, she kept all these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:19).

Blessed servants of God, follow Mary who kept the Lord in her heart, believed and remembered His goodness in her heart.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all Christians to keep the birth of Christ dear to their hearts.

God bless you all.


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