Hope in the Dark

Call to Prayer

Title: Hope in the Dark

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 29.05.2024


For Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures, where it says, โ€˜The stone that you builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.โ€™ย  Acts. 4:11 NIV


God desires that we have hope, no matter the situation we are in. For this reason, certain stories were written in the Bible to help encourage us to believe for a change of a negative situation. Romans 15:4 alludes to this truth when it says “… we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope”.

God has a pattern of lifting the lowly and exalting the rejected. When He has chosen you for elevation, He will take you through the process where you will find yourself in a lowly state and rejected by men. For example, Joseph was ordained to rule, and this was revealed to him by God through dreams. Before his dream manifested, he was found in a lowly state of being a slave and a prisoner, through the wicked acts of men. Despite this, God acted and elevated him to the seat of the prime minister.

In the same manner, Jesus Christ was rejected by men and killed by those he was sent to save, yet He elevated Him to His right-hand side (A place of power and authority). No matter the situation you are in, believe God for a change today. For He is in the business of making the rejected stone the cornerstone (the most important foundation stone). The keys to receiving this exaltation are “faithfulness and forgiveness”.

Joseph remained faithful to God despite his situation, and he forgave his brothers even though he had the power to hurt them. Similarly, Jesus forgave those who killed him. When our heart is free from grievance, it allows God to act on our behalf. Have hope.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us see Him in our situation, so we can have hope.


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