How Can I Say Thanks?


Title: How Can I Say Thanks?

By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 24.12.2023


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

ย (John 3:16 NKJV)


The Lord our God, our heavenly Father who art in Heaven has done a lot for us and He keeps doing them day in and day out (James 1:17). However, most Believers do not show appreciation to Him. This is because they donโ€™t notice what has been done for them. Most of us also get used to some of the things the Lord has done for us. For example, being able to wake up, ability to see, hear, walk, eat, etc. We have become accustomed to these things and so we donโ€™t thank God for them. I believe one of the most important things that should make every Believer thankful to God is the Gift of Salvation.

All the possessions in this world cannot be compared to the Gift of Salvation (Mark 8:36). Sadly, most Believers donโ€™t show appreciation to the Lord for Salvation; some donโ€™t even share their Testimonies. The main reason why most people donโ€™t thank the Lord for their Salvation is because they are still in the world doing the things they used to do. We donโ€™t think deeply about our Salvation, and thatโ€™s why we are not thankful. Be careful you donโ€™t become an ungrateful and unthankful Christian.

How can we say thank you to God for sending His only begotten son to save us? If I consider what the Lord has done for me, words and songs are not enough to show my appreciation to Him. The only way I can truly say thank you to the Lord is to offer my Life to serve Him (Rom 12:1-2). Christmas period is set aside to remember the love that the Lord demonstrated toward us by giving us His only begotten son as a ransom for our sins and deliverance (Jn 3:16). Therefore, as we celebrate Christmas, letโ€™s remember this and give the Lord all the praise and Thanks due to Him.

Apostle Paul was someone who was really grateful for his salvation, and I believe there are so many things we can learn from him. He fought and persecuted the Church. He used to be against the Church until he encountered our Lord Jesus Christ, and his life was turned around. Not only was he saved but he was also given a Ministry to take the Gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 9, Acts 26:19-32).

He never imagined that a sinner like him could be honored with such a ministry. He was grateful to the Lord and the only way to say thank you to the Lord was to serve Him diligently. This explains his zealousness for the Lord and His work (Acts 14:19-20). Just like Apostle Paul, all of us have our own story on how the Lord saved us from eternal damnation and destruction and brought us into His glorious Kingdom. We have to always remember our story and give thanks to God for what He has done.

Every prayer of ours should be filled with Thanksgiving to God (Ps 106). Letโ€™s cultivate the attitude of being Thankful because there are so many Blessings in Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a weapon that releases great miracles (John 6:23). When God sees your thankfulness, it provokes Him to do a miracle in your life. Your flourishing and abounding are dependent on your level of thankfulness (Col 2:7)

Beloved in the Lord, God has done a lot for us, and He is worthy of our praise and thanksgiving. He sent His only begotten son to pay the price of our sins and save us from eternal damnation. For what the Lord has done for us, I believe that words and songs alone are not enough to show our appreciation to Him. We can learn from Apostle Paul and offer our lives to serve God diligently for saving us. Be thankful!


Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the Gift of Salvation. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to show appreciation for the Gift of Salvation by offering our lives to serve Him diligently.

God bless you all


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