How To Activate Great Faith


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 12.12.2021

Title: How To Activate Great Faith


Then Jesus answered and said to her, โ€œO woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.โ€ And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

(Matthew 15:28 NKJV)


In last weekโ€™s Call to Prayer, I started sharing on the topic titled, โ€˜โ€™Great Faithโ€ which is based on the encounter between our Lord Jesus Christ and the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15. We learnt that as Children of God, our Heavenly Father has a lot of great Blessings in store for us as our inheritance. To be able tap into the Power of God, Faith is needed, and Great Faith is needed to access our healing, great dimensions of the supernatural and other spiritual gifts. For example, there can be Power in a Socket, but you have plug in an Appliance and switch on the Button before you will be able to know that there is Power in the building. In other words, the fact that a Power is present doesnโ€™t mean it will manifest itself, but a Switch has to be switched on. In the same way, what releases the Power of God although it is present, is Faith.

How can we then activate Great Faith? What can we learn from this Canaanite Woman whose Faith impressed our Lord Jesus? To activate Great Faith, we have to be aware that divine healing and all the other Blessings are like Bread. Our Lord Jesus called the healing the woman was asking for, โ€œThe Childrenโ€™s Breadโ€ (Matt 15:26). If you come to my house, the commonest Food you will find is Bread and I believe itโ€™s the same for many Homes. If even wicked humans feed their Children when they are hungry and give them good gifts, how much more our heavenly Father? The Lord is willing to heal you and your family, take you deeper than your feet could ever wonder, and fill you with many spiritual gifts. Being aware that healing and all other Blessings are the legitimate rights of Children of God is a key to activating great Faith.

The next key to activate Great Faith is an attitude of Worship and Praise. When the Canaanite Woman first approached our Lord Jesus with her Problem or request, He didnโ€™t attend to her (Matt 15: 22-23). However, when she later and worshipped our Lord Jesus, He attended to her (Matt 15:25). It is important to know that your attitude towards someone will determine if you will receive something from him/her or not. There are some people who really know how to extract something from others by hailing them or calling them big names. We need to approach God with the right attitude of Worship and Praise because these are the highest expression of intimacy with God (Psalms 65, 100:4). Praise and Worship also attracts the presence and the Power of God.

Last but not the least, Prayer is another key to activate Great Faith. The Canaanite Woman came and cried out to our Lord Jesus, saying, โ€œHave mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David!โ€ (Matt 15:22). Prayer helps us to communicate with God and it also releases the Power of God.

Beloved in the Lord, our Heavenly Father has a lot of Blessings in store for us as our Inheritance. In order to access some of these Inheritances, Great Faith is needed. To activate Great Faith, we must have an attitude of Worship and Praise, be Prayerful, and be aware that all the Blessings are the legitimate rights of Children of God.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to strengthen the Faith of all Believers around the world. Letโ€™s also ask the Lord to help us to perceive and access all the inheritance we have in Christ.

God bless you all.


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