How to Ascend Part 2

By: Daniel Peter

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

(Psa 24:3-4)

Just like God is always in search of a man to use, He is always in search of a man to exalt to His Holy Mountain. Since God does not show favouritism, there is a sure pattern in scripture that if we follow, we will attain this in Him. In my last post on this topic, I mentioned humility and obedience as keys to attaining this. However, here is another perspective on the subject.

As a refresher, heights in the Spirit talk about greatness. For example, Jesus mentioned in John 3:31-32 that โ€œHe that is from above is greater than allโ€, associating height with greatness. Now, though the devil was judged for thinking to exalt His throne above the stars of God (He wanted to ascend above the Angels), as seen from our scriptural text, it is Godโ€™s will for His children to ascend to His Holy hills. The devil was wrong for his ambition because he intended to do it himself. He kept repeating โ€œI will, I will, I willโ€ (Isaiah 14:13), and since God resists the proud, he was debased. But there is a way to attain this in God.

Letโ€™s consider what happened in the Beginning. Man was placed in a garden east of Eden after his formation (Gen. 2:8). The etymology of the word Eden suggests it means a spot, location, or a place where the presence of God is an open door to heaven. So, what made Eden a special location on earth was the presence of God. When man was cast out from Eden, He did lose the presence, but the idea of this special location remained in the heart of men. In the days of Nimrod, men gathered to build a tower extending to the heavens (Gen. 11:4), wanting to regain the access Adam lost. Since their intention was selfish, โ€œto make a name for themselves (Gen. 11:4)โ€, and against the plan of God for man to spread all over the earth (Gen. 1:28), they were stopped by God. What the Lord did was to confuse their language, then the project was abandoned (Gen. 11: 8-9).

After the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the vessel of man has been purified by His blood (Acts 15:9), meaning mankind can now host the presence of God again. At the return of the Holy Ghost with power, something very important happened that should not escape our notice. The Bible witnessed that the disciples started speaking in tongues, and all who heard them understood what they were saying in their language (Acts 2:8). By this, God was indicating that what could not be attained in the days of Nimrod, when the language of men was confused by God, can now be done by the coming of the Holy Ghost.

They in the old tried building a physical house to regain access, we in the new build spiritual houses, our lives, by which we gain access. Now, Jude 1:20 records: โ€œBut ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, therefore, as we pray in tongues regularly, we ascend higher in the Spirit even as our building rises, then we can gain access into heaven, that is, His Holy hills, regaining the position of operation which Adam lost.

I will end with a testimony.ย There was a time I was praying in tongues at night, God gave me a vision of a well-developed city, which I understood was in Africa. In the middle of the city was a tall building, which was so high it reached to the skies. The interpretation that came to me afterwards was: โ€œengaging in the mystery of tongues is the key to building (developing) men who will have the capacity to develop Africa into becoming the great continent God has ordained it to be.โ€

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s ask God to fill every believer with the Holy Spirit and give all the gift of tongues, and that He should help us all to engage it regularly.


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