How would they know?

Call To Prayer

Title: How would they know?

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 17/09/2022


And his master saw that theย Lordย wasย with him and that theย Lordย made all he didย to prosper in his hand. Genesis 39:3


One thing that every believer yearns for is the presence of God. God is with us all the time, undoubtedly, however, this must manifest in one way or the other and it is the believer’s heart desire that God will show Himself in a certain way especially in the midst of unbelievers. For some Christians, it is a usual occurrence but for others too it is quite rare. So many things come together to make this happen or not, and the fact that it does not occur usually for others does not make them less Christians.

Today’s verse is one of my favourite verses in the Bible. God was with Joseph in all circumstances and this was evident in how God made him prosper. One thing that caught my attention recently while I was reading the verse was the point where Potiphar saw that God was with Joseph. How did Potiphar see that God was with Joseph? Was it just because he prospered in all he did? Though it makes sense, but prosperity can be attributed to anything: intellect, skill, education, discipline, abilities, etc. But Joseph’s master did not attribute his success to any of these but to Joseph’s God. How did he know there was a God with Joseph in the first place? You cannot just look at someone and realise that there is a God backing them. The only logical explanation is that Joseph was living out his faith on a daily basis and his master knew it. This is where most believers get it wrong and it hinders the manifestation of God’s presence.

In the midst of unbelievers, and especially in our quest to fit in and go with the trend, most people do not practice their faith, neither do they acknowledge God in anything. We attribute our successes and progress to our abilities. But come to think of it, where do we get those abilities? From God, isn’t it? It cannot be contested in anyway that whatever good thing a Christian can do or has comes from God, but in most cases, we do not acknowledge Him. In slavery, Joseph did not forget his God and was not shy to practice his beliefs for people to know. Joseph’s beliefs and practices were more evident in later verses when he refused the advances of Potiphar’s wife (Genesis 39:9) and his conversation with Pharaoh (Genesis 41:16). For Joseph, it was God in all things, and when he succeeded his master had no doubt that it was his God.

If Joseph was not doing anything on a daily basis that pointed to his God, his master would not have realised that he had a God. So the burning question is, are you trying to blend in or you are firmly standing for your faith? Do all your friends, work colleagues and superiors know you are a Christian or you are a Christian only in your closet and when you come out, you just go with the flow? Just take a minute and think about this. God bless you!

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the boldness and consciousness to live out our faith at all times.


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