In Him


Title:ย ย In Him

Date: 19.03.2024

By:ย ย Daniel Peter


In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1 ESV)


The โ€˜in Christโ€™ reality is one of the greatest mysteries in the Kingdom of God, for understanding its concept is the key to attaining the fullness of God, where His life can be expressed freely through us and reflected by us.

In the records of creation, it was stated that โ€˜In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1 ESV)โ€™. The phrase โ€˜In the beginningโ€™ is not suggesting a time period, but it’s a reference to a location, Jesus Christ. Revelation 1:8 witnessed Jesus as being the beginning and the end. Therefore, Jesus Christ is not just a person, He is a location. With this light, Genesis 1:1 now reads, โ€œIn Jesus Christ, God created the heavens and the earthโ€. Therefore, all God created dwells in Jesus Christ, including God Himself (Col. 1:19).

Despite God created all in Christ, not all decided to dwell in Christ. Lucifer, popularly known as the devil, was an individual who left Christ because of His ambition. In John 8:44, it was said that he, Lucifer, abode not in the Truth, and the Truth is Jesus Christ (John 14:6). The issue is, only in Christ is light (the nature of God), which can be discerned from James 1:17. Outside the location of Jesus Christ is darkness (everything contrary to the nature of God). This explains the formation of the devil; he attained the nature of wickedness and evil by his decision to depart from the location called Christ. Being shut out from Christ, the devil has been working hard from the creation of man to derail men from the Truth to darkness; a place of judgment. This is the reason why the major tool the devil uses against a Christian is deception.

By the sin of Adam, the whole of mankind fell into darkness (1 John 5:19). Despite man was still on earth in the flesh, they had changed kingdoms in the spirit; from the kingdom of light to the kingdom to darkness, which are both spiritual kingdoms and exists within man (Matt. 6:23). The Truth, Jesus Christ, manifested in the flesh, and by Him, God has been reconciling (bringing back) man to Himself. Since mankind fell by listening to the devilโ€™s lies, mankind is restored by listening to the truth, by the Truth Himself: who is still speaking to us via His written word, His ministers, and by His Holy Spirit in us.

What is the Truth? This was a question that Pilate asked Jesus in John 18:38 but wasnโ€™t patient enough to listen to Jesus’ answer. However, the truth is the word that reveals the true identity of Jesus Christ, His works, and His plans for mankind. Despite we have been reconciled back โ€˜in Christโ€™, by the knowledge and acceptance of Him as our Lord and Saviour (Romans 5:10), that reality is in our spirit. To come to the experience of it in our everyday life, we have to continuously fill ourselves with His knowledge, by abiding in the word (John 15:4). We depart from Christ by departing from the word. The devil can use friends, challenges, or success in the eyes of man etc. to make one depart from the word (Christ), but by abiding, we can manifest the fullness of God, that is, all our redemptive benefits (John 15:4, Ephesians 3:19).

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s ask God to help each member of the body of Christ to abide in Him by abiding in His word. And He should give us all an unquenchable hunger for Him (His Knowledge).

Repost from: 29.05.2021

God bless you all

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