In the Name of Jesus

Call to Prayer

Topic: In the Name of Jesus

Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
(Act 3:6 KJV)

The intention of God for creating mankind was clearly expressed in Genesis 1:26. Man was to have His nature as a God and rule on earth as a King. Man did lose all that at his fall and became subject to what he was supposed to rule over. Thanks be to God who has restored man to His original intent for him through Jesus Christ. We have been given authority in Christ Jesus to rule as kings here on earth. That authority is in the name of Jesus. As we operate by that name, we are manifesting the Glory of God in Kingship.

The nature of kings is that they give commands and issue instructions that all in the kingdom are to obey. This is how we are to operate as Christians. However, who are we to rule over? This is something that we have to consider carefully. Firstly, in Luke 10:19, Jesus indicated that He has given us authority over every power of the enemy. This means we can freely exercise our authority in Jesus over the devil and his agents.

Another area where we can exercise authority over can be seen in the life of Jesus. In Mark 4:39, we see that Jesus spoke to the wind and commanded it to be still. That was authority being exercised by Him. By His name, we can do likewise; using the authority we have been given in Christ Jesus, we can command contrary situations, which can be natural or spiritual, to be still.

Again, another area where we can exercise our authority in Christ is in the area of our calling; over the territory and people we’ve been sent to. It must be noted that this authority over humans is to build up, and not to tear down. Again, this authority is by choice to use (2Cor. 10:8). In our key scripture for today, we see Peter commanding a man to rise up and walk. Here Peter was exercising authority over a fellow man, to heal him, not to destroy him. This kind of authority has other expressions, like setting up rules of operation in a gathering of Christians that all are to obey (See Cor.7). This authority that is exercised over other humans is something that they have to submit to; they come under it willingly when they recognize you as one sent by God. This is never forced or demanded, it is by choice.

Finally, we see Peter in our key scripture of today comparing the name of Jesus Christ with Silver and Gold. i.e. Like it is something we can have or don’t have. Again, we can have more of it or less of it. Despite the authority we have been given in Christ is the same for all of us, how much of it we can exercise depends on our level of faith. The more faith we have, the more authority we can exercise. This faith comes by understanding the scriptures (The written word) and or hearing from God (spoken word). spending time with God will help in this regard.

Prayer Point
Let’s take out time today to ask God to teach everyone member of the body of Christ how to use our authority in theย  Name of Jesus and He should help us to build our faith.

God bless you all

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