

Date: 18/09/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.ย 

Title โ€“ย Inadequaciesย 


Exodus 3:11 – But Moses said to God, โ€œWho am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?โ€


In life, there come times that we feel like what lies ahead is too big for us. This feeling often prevents us from taking the action that we ought to take. If you are or have been in this situation before, you are not alone. Moses, the deliverer of the people of Israel was once in that situation. For todayโ€™s Call to Prayer, we look at what we can learn from the life of Moses when God sent him to deliver Israel from their slavery in Egypt. From the verse, Moses mentioned two key things that made him feel inadequate for the assignment he was born to accomplish.

First, Moses asked the Lord who he is to go before Pharaoh. Now, Moses had murdered an Egyptian 40 years ago, and Pharaoh was after his life. As a result, he ran from Egypt and was in exile in Midian all these years (Exodus 2). However, the time had come for him to face Pharaoh again. Moses would have thought about what people will say about his past sins. One thing that is hindering many Christians is the sins and mistakes of the past. They feel inadequate to go to the people who know about their past. Beloved, I want you to believe that who the Son of God sets free is free indeed. If people will choose to remember you for your past, that is up to them. God is looking at your present and what He can do through you. So, focus on Him instead.

Secondly, Moses did not see himself as a deliverer. Moses was born for this assignment. However, when the time came for him to make the bold step, he was reluctant. From, a human perspective, we could understand Moses. Fear of the unknown is a huge barrier, and it has prevented many people from fulfilling their destiny. Today, God is telling you to take the step, and He will be with you as He promised Moses (Exodus 3:12). You may not know what lies ahead, but you know the One who knows the future. He has prepared the way for you already. All you need to do is to act. Make that bold step and watch God perfect it.

Moses felt inadequate and unworthy because he was looking at his strengths and weaknesses. However, instead of looking at your capabilities, look at the God of limitless capabilities. Believe what He says, and the rest will be wonderful. God bless you.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word and the answers to our prayers. Let us also pray for the grace to step into the unknown, and a heart of obedience to act on the word of God even when we feel inadequate.

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