Inspirations of Darkness

Call To Prayer

Title: Inspirations of darkness

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 02.02.2023


Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1 Peter 5:8 KJV)


One significant error of King David that God highlighted and that men can point to was sleeping with the wife of Uriah and subsequently killing her husband to cover up. If we look carefully, we will discover that inspiration came to David after he had seen the woman washing herself and all manner of ideas filled his head so much that it translated into action (2 Sam. 11:4). Same inspiration visited him when he wanted to clean up his mess because the woman became pregnant and he ended up murdering an innocent, loyal and patriotic man.

Many times as believers, we are visited with strange manners of Inspiration and ideas that may not be from God because the enemy wants an in-road or legality through which he can accuse and devour. There are times you see an item that isnโ€™t yours and because you felt no one is looking, you take it and keep it for yourself. This is an indication that the body or flesh is becoming larger than the spirit. The body is to the devil what the spirit is to the Lord. So, he will suggest or inspire the mind so the body can carry out the action.

Areas that these Inspirations manifest are numerous but we look at a few of them;

1. Rebellion or disobedience: The body always yearns for freedom and wants to do whatever it wants but it must be kept under subjection(1 Cor. 9:27). This was what happened to Eve in the garden of Eden She suddenly โ€œsawโ€ that the tree was good for food, pleasant to the eyes and desirable to make one wise (Gen. 3:6). How come she didnโ€™t notice all those qualities until the serpent showed up to inspire her?
2. Revenge: This dark and bitter feeling has the ability to blind your mind and lead you to the path of self-destruction. When we are offended or hurt, the devil comes with his suggestion for us to take our own pound of flesh and balance the scores. Contrarily, Jesus told us to forgive, let go and give no place to the devil (Eph. 4:31).
3. Anger: This is relative to revenge because they both stem from offence. However, the scripture makes it clear that the man of God shall not strife. The spirit of anger has been responsible for a lot of lost virtues in the body of Christ. It is like a perforator that drains out Godโ€™s resources in the life of a man. So, beware!

In conclusion, we must be vigilant and not be ignorant of the devices of the devil in bringing down men so as to abort the purposes of God for their lives.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let us pray for the grace to discern the inspiration of darkness and grace to stand against it.


God bless you!


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