By: Nana Adjoa Brasor Kuffour

Date: 09.08.2021

Title: It Is Well

โ€žPlease run now to meet her, and say to her, โ€˜Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?โ€™ โ€ And she answered, โ€œIt is well.โ€ – 2 Kings 4:26 NKJV

In 2 Kings chapter 4, there is this famous story of a woman whose child died and the Lord, through the prophet Elisha brought him back to life. Since the scriptures were written for our learning, I believe the attitude displayed by this woman is something we can learn from as Christians. The Faith of this woman was shown greatly in action and in speech. Her story is till now one of our favourites because it teaches us to be strong in our God even when we face trials.ย 

All the mother’s tenderness cannot keep alive a child of promise, a child of prayer, one given in love. How difficult and admirable it is for a prudent mother not to allow a negative word escape out of her mouth despite her affliction. She has such a strong faith that Godโ€™s goodness canโ€™t fail her. It is only faith in Christ that can make a sorrowful soul still stand strong and declare that, โ€žIT IS WELL!โ€œ

All is always WELL with what God does; all is well with those who are in the grave if they once gave their lives to God, all is well with us who are alive on earth and still facing further afflictions.ย 

James 1:1-4 says, โ€žMy brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.โ€œ

It is very important not to focus only on what you are facing but rather remember the Lord who has strengthened you to be able to endure all difficulties. Our faith is proven whenever we are in tribulations, whenever we get questioned in times of sorrow, and whenever we are alone or in public. This woman decided not to talk much about her problems to others in public because she wanted to show God that her hope isnโ€™t in man but rather in Him.ย 

My question therefore is, whom do you run to when you face trials, when it seems like all hope is gone? The woman in this story went to Prophet Elisha not because she believed in him but because they both believed in the same God.

Our preparations in times of trials also reveal our faith. See how well this woman laid her dead son on the bed of the Prophet because she had faith he will come and heal her son. Is there anything you may be facing and you havenโ€™t prepared your heart to pray on? Are you weighed down, not able to move forward or to speak positive concerning your problem? God is ever ready to listen to a soul that is ready to receive.

Brethren, God is our hope and sustainer. It never brings Him joy to see His children sad, weep and suffer (Psalm 30:5). We always have to trust Him in all things for thatโ€™s when He shows Himself greatly in our lives. He will do what He said He will do (Numbers 23:19)!

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for the answers to our prayers. Letโ€™s ask God to build up the faith of all believers in Him so that we may continue to keep our hope strongly in Him.ย 


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