It must be proven


Date: 02/04/2022

By:ย Owusu Clifford S.ย 

Title โ€“ย It must be proven


Now Jacob loved Rachel; so he said, โ€œI will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter.โ€

Genesis 29:18


Love is a word, a topic, a concept, and a subject that has been explored extensively and debated by many people. There are different schools of thought with diverse interpretations of love. Undoubtedly, any subject or topic that can easily be explained can easily be comprehended as well. However, love does not easily fall into that category. In todayโ€™s message, we look at one dimension of the meaning of love.

In our verse for today, Jacob told his uncle, Laban, that he was willing to serve for seven years, and in return, he would want to marry Rachel, Laban’s daughter. What a way to prove your love! Jacob was willing to give seven years of his life to get the woman he loves. Love is giving. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son (John 3:16). Wherever there is love, there is an element of sacrifice.

Today, we want to ask ourselves this question; what sacrifice have we made to prove our love for God? What have we given out as evidence of our love for God? God gave us Jesus Christ. Jacob served seven years (later it became 14 years) to prove his love. God proved His love for us by giving Jesus Christ the ultimate sacrifice even when we were still His enemies. How have you proven your love for God?

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to all our prayers. Let us pray for the grace to do the work of God as proof of our love for Him.


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