It’s More Blessed to Give 

Call To Prayer

Title: It’s More Blessed to Give

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 13.02.2024


In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’  Acts 20:35 NIV


The kingdom of this world is in opposition to the kingdom of God, as its principles of operation are directly opposed to what is obtainable in the kingdom of light. For you to have more, the world will preach “keep more”, but the way to increase in the kingdom of light is by giving. Because the way of this world is convenient to the flesh, a lot of Christians find it difficult to practice kingdom principles. But with the right insight, believers are empowered to be doers of the word.

The power of giving was clearly expressed when God gave His only Begotten Son to save a dying world. By that act inspired by a sincere love for the world, He did not only gain Jesus Christ back by His resurrection but us all who have placed our faith in Him. Now, Jesus is no longer the only Begotten Son of God, we all have now become the begotten of the Father (1 John 5:1,8). Therefore, giving is that momentary loss that leads to much gain. As seen from God’s act of giving Jesus for the sins of the world, giving goes beyond money, it can also mean giving your time or service for the benefit of the other.

Some time ago, the Lord gave me a dream, with which He revealed the importance of giving and what the act communicates. In this dream, I saw two people sitting in a dungeon shirtless, and there was a device flying in the air towards them that they could communicate with. One of them reached out to this device, begging to receive something from it. While the other gave the little he had to this device. Now, despite both people being in the same position, the actions they took were different. I woke up from that experience with these words: if you want to know how blessed someone is, check how they give. Giving reveals how blessed you are, and this is the major difference between the Old Testament instructions for giving and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, they gave their tithes, offerings, and other practices of giving in other for them to be blessed. But for us in the New Covenant, we have already been blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph. 1:3). Now, we practice giving, not so we will be blessed, but as an act of faith which helps reveal this blessing that we have received already. 

You may ask, when is the right time to start practising this act of giving which helps you excel in all grace (2Cor. 8:7)? The answer is now. Giving the little you have makes it more sacrificial than giving from abundance, leading to more reward. Again, just as a farmer needs to be patient to see the fruits of the seed sown during the planting season, you need patience and persistence to see the reward of giving sacrificially.


Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to help the body of Christ to give sacrificially.

Repost: 10.08.2022


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