Joy in service to the Lord

Call To Prayer

Title: Joy in service to the Lord

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 10.08.2024


โ€œMy food,โ€ said Jesus, โ€œis to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.ย  John 4:34


There are times in our service to the Lord when we feel excited and energised but there also times when we feel weary and discouraged to continue. However the word of God says we should encourage ourselves in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6) and that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Therefore I would like to share a few encouraging words from scripture to encourage us to continue serving the Lord joyfully through our service to others.

The first thing to remember is that we are saved. For those who believe in Christ Jesus, our names are written in the book of Life (Luke 10:20). What a joy knowing that no matter what happens you will spend eternity with Jesus. This should encourage us to serve him even now joyfully.ย 

Secondly, letโ€™s be reminded that no matter what service you render, so long as it is what God called you to do or assigned to you, it is absolutely very important and has a huge impact even when you donโ€™t see it. You see, we are a body in Christ and just like with a body, each member or part is important and contributes somehow to the normal functioning or wellbeing of the body as a whole (see 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, some Scientists may argue but they end up always catching up with the word of God with time: no part of the body is useless). Your work is seen by God and you will be rewarded by Him (Matthew 10:42, Matthew 25:40).ย 

Thirdly or similarly letโ€™s pray for the grace to see the impact of our service by faith. Are you teaching two kids in a Sunday school service? Do you know one of those kids will contribute massively to a revival in a city in Russia? Have you committed to assisting an orphan who does not even seem to be amounting to nothing. Do you know that foolish kid will be a renowned artist someday? Besides, donโ€™t you know that Jesus will leave the 99 to find that one lost sheep (Matthew 18:12) ? You can basically say He died for that one lost soul.ย 

Letโ€™s not depend on the approval or praises of men to be encouraged in our service but rather encourage ourselves in the Lord for we need that strength that comes from the joy of Lord to endure till the end. The approval of God is worth more than of all men put together. As expressed in the opening verse, Jesus found joy in doing the will of His father and this our calling in Christ for He is our father too.


Prayer Point:ย 

Let’s thank God for this word. Let’s take time to reflect of the goodness of God in our lives and praise Him.


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